Tiny Complaints

I thought it was intentional because she recently said the kitten was bring raised by dogs. So I assumed Daddy was Sprocket.

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Nah, my phone calls Daisy daddy. I should probably get it therapy.

Both dogs have been called mommy by us a lot lately. They take their duties very seriously. Today the kitten was attached to Daisy’s head, teeth and claws deep in her skin, and she looked exhausted and resigned to her fate. I hear you, dude.


I can only log into this forum on my phone. It rejects my password on the computer.

@aaronpk might be able to impart wisdom on that one

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My family dynamics are shitty sometimes, and my mom is managing to make me feel like crap about my upcoming baby shower. It’s a bummer.


Accurate depiction of parenthood.


Vacation is over. Tomorrow morning, it’s back to the grind.

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My immune system sucks, and I don’t know where I can buy myself a new one.


My hair is much more visibly greasy than I thought it was at 6am when I decided not to bother washing it.


I spent the whole weekend resting and being nice to my body and the fucker didn’t even recover so I can go do normal things tomorrow. I thought we had a deal.


This is when you get to pull the grandparent role and remind Daisy of some bullshit puppy thing she did back in the day (y’know, the day of a few months ago) and then tell her the kitten is adorable and can do no wrong, then give him sweets.


Ponder bought the wrong brand of plastic bags. The scent took an hour to get rid of and I didnt have the spoons to make it through the evening before that happened. Now I’m hungry and tired and can’t work out which one to address first. Whine whine whine.


I’m at work (complaint one) and I’m cold (complaint two).

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Friend cancelled on me for dinner tomorrow. I was really looking forward to it.

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I decided to wear earrings this morning so I wore a nicer shirt and did my make up slightly fancier. I forgot to put on earrings.


I have to shower and I don’t wanna.
I have to go buy cat food and I don’t wanna.
I wanna lie here. Why isn’t that an option?


I have two sunburns and seven mosquito bites, all on my feet.

I seem to be unable to sleep for more than 3-4 hours at a stretch at home. I only sleep in grad school city. I’m not going there this week because stupid meetings. I can’t make it two whole weeks without a decent night’s sleep.

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I feel funny if I lie on my back


I drew out the rooms of my house to scale, and it highlighted a couple of really stupid design decisions by the original builder.

ETA I’ve also measured something wrong because my hallway is not 0.5m wide.