Your Very Own Personal Shopper

I was going to just pick one and buy it and hope for the best (lol) and I remeasured just to be sure and guess what, one wall is 80"and the other is 100". HOW COULD I MESS THAT UP???

So now I am back to square one because in fact I can fit longer pieces, and do I want to?



Ha! Good job checking before you committed! :sweat_smile:


Ooh, thank you! I’m pretty sure this is something I’m going to use, because I keep making places for things, and then forgetting what I assigned to that shelf-- it’s a solution to a very specific problem :joy:


Oh I literally just impulse bought a label maker this week! I got because I wanted the ridiculous galaxy labels that are compatible with it. I like it based on 1 day of use - there’s a lot of options for adding fun icons and things, and the labels themselves look nice. I have zero comparison points except my Mum’s ancient one though, so that’s probably no help.


I have a pretty basic label maker and I love it.

When I want fancy labels I print them from the computer.


That’s so cute! Much cuter than my behemoth, haha.


…did you label your label maker?


Maybe :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Otherwise how will I find the labelmaker so that I can label more things?


You have to label the shelf/drawer/basket the label maker is in!


You are adorable.

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The first label a label maker should always make is one to label itself. It’s the law of label makers.



I am an adult human with tiny humans and zero blender. I have determined this is a problem and I want a blender for my birthday so I don’t keep trying to blend sauces in my food processor. What’s your favorite blender?


I have a ninja blender systemas a wedding gift 10 years ago and I still love it tons. It has a big pitcher and a small pitcher and it came with a whipping attachment for making lots of whipped cream and a dough hook and two sets of blenders for each pitcher height. I mostly make milkshakes in it now but that sucker can crush ice in no time at all


I have a blendtec, it is similar to a vitamix and ninja, is made it the US, and I love it so much since I got it. I never knew what I was missing having a $20 Target blender for 15 years. I will NEVER GO BACK TO SHITTY BLENDERS!!

(It is pretty loud, but so are all premium blenders.)

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We need to buy a new dishwasher, induction stove, and electric dryer in the next two years. And maybe a fridge too I guess. Give me your tips on how to be frugal about this: should we look secondhand? At the outlet with all the dinged and returned models? If we bundle them all at once from a big box store are there discounts? Any ideas are welcome!


My sister got an expensive fridge at a scratch and dent store. There was a small dent in the side, but it was hidden by the wall because of the way her kitchen is. It did not impact function. They got a huge discount on it (more than 50%).

I have only ever bought from big box stores. I don’t know if they give a discount for bundled appliances. Except maybe washer/dryer sets? My pro tip if you want to buy from a big box store is to wait for one of the big holiday sales (Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc) (but be prepared for delivery delays).

Oh, also, you might consider getting like a Home Depot card (or Lowes or whatever). At least with HD they will send you discount coupons for 10% off (or some months interest free) all the time, that can be combined with sales (I think). This is what I did when I bought my fridge. I still have the HD card, though I rarely use it (and they still send me the coupons).


…. Presidents’ Day? Do they have sales for that?

Maybe… not as big of a holiday, but I have definitely seen ads for furniture sales right now…

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Oh also, I think I opened the card when I bought it (not before - like I did it at the store when I bought it to get the extra % off). I almost always say no to these, but I don’t cc churn so am not maxed out with credit card apps at any given time. You can always cancel later.