Your Very Own Personal Shopper

Presidents’ Day is a big mattress sale time. Not sure about other furniture/appliances

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This has not been my experience in buying new appliances for our kitchen for a reno and later a washer and dryer. Nor was there a benefit to buying all the same brand.

Scratch and dent or getting them on sale with Memorial Day sales are your best bet. You can also take your time deciding now what features are important to you to hopefully make the actual purchase process easier later.

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Have someone check Costco for you if you’re not a member. They often do bundle deals on appliances. And often have really competitive prices.

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Oooh and they ARE having a Presidents’ Day sale!

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Remember a while back I was looking for period underwear boxers? I have found them two places.

The period aisle sells them, but are out of stock in my size. Aisle Leakproof Period Underwear - Boxer Brief Style – Aisle Canada

Revol Cares (weird name but ok) has them and is having a sale tomorrow.


The ones from the period aisle look amazing!

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I Need the very best way to remove cat hair from clothing, possibly two versions of it. preferably target or Amazon available


I got one of those red brush thingies based on a recomendation from I think @Meowmalade (??) to someone else on a whim because I was actually going to get a “pet attachment” for my handheld part of my Shark for furniture (velour chairs and such, and my pets shed non stop 365 days of the year) that cost something like $80 freaking dollars, and I thought I would try it because it was wayyyyyyy cheaper but there is no way this thing is going to work and GOD DAMN IF IT IS SOME KIND OF MAGIC OR SOMETHING.

(because it works)

This thing:


We’ve got several of them and they’ve been holding up for over a decade! (One has a broken handle and one of them the red part fell off, but we’re still using them all.)

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I would go for one Magik brush and one sticky lint roller (the kind where you peel off a sheet after it loses stickiness). The Magik brush is great but sometimes to get the last bit and look very clean and professional you need a sticky roller.


I used to only use a sticky roller (the pet ones, which are stickier I think?) but I went through a LOT of them because of how much they shed. :joy: But I agree it’s probably good for finishes!


Hello frens. Yours truly is ready to purchase an Instant Pot to replace my rice cooker! I’m open to all brands but I have specific wants in terms of what I’d like it to do:

ability to cook rices/beans of all types
pressure canning ability

Recommendations on specific models?


Do you want it to be small for footprint space, easier to move liner, et ? Or big so you can sometimes do large slabs of meat for pulled pork or whole chickens?

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So I have the Instant Pot Max and I’m really happy with it. It has a Sous Vide and Pressure canning function, along with all of the regular ones. I cook most things on manual because I’ve found with being at slightly higher elevation, regular recipes don’t work great for me. It’s honestly been life changing for beans, rice and cooking things like big roasts that take all day in the slow cooker. I have a 6qt size and I think it’s the perfect size for 1-2 people. Oh, it’s also amazing for bone broth and stock, so fast and easy and doesn’t make the house smell like broth for 3 days haha

You might read into some of the studies around Pressure Canning with an electric pressure cooker/canner. I’m not a canner so I have no opinion, but I guess the USDA doesn’t support it (whether that matters to you or not haha)


Conversely, I am looking for a rice cooker! Small, cute if possible, does the very basic job of cooking rice because I clearly can’t do it in a pot.

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Great questions! Weight is a bigger concern to me than size and I don’t think I’ll ever use it for big meat, etc. I’ll mostly use this for canning and making rice/beans!

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Thank you! I’ll check out that model :slight_smile: and yeah I know about the USDA pressure canning stuff, haha.

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Another question- can it cook brown rice as well as white? That’s the main issue with my rice cooker. It’s this one, right?

Yeah! It takes quite a bit longer to cook brown rice, but I think it does a great job and that’s all I really ever cook in it. It’s about 20 min vs. 4 min for white rice, but I haven’t had any issues!


Ok, this is helpful. Do you have a sense of how heavy it is? That’s not listed in the specs that I can find.

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