We’re considering an electric code lock, but not sure what brand we’d go with. Not sure we want a full “smart lock” that uses phones and all that, I think we more just want the keypad style.
Oh and we’ve already bought on sales:
For me- pair of Xero sandals for next year
Gifts- smart frame
I wanted to give everyone a heads up that the Wirecutter staff might be walking out over Black Friday and have asked shoppers not to use the Wirecutter website to shop Thanksgiving-Monday. Look stuff up early!
Updates here: https://mobile.twitter.com/wirecutterunion
I would very much like big retailers to have an opposite-of-two-day-shipping option where I can select “Ship it such that people don’t have to work weekends/holidays”. Like, I got underwear today. It wasn’t an emergency, it could have waited till tomorrow.
I loved Amazon’s “ship it all in the same box, I don’t care how long it takes” but they override it if they think it will take “too long” (aka like 1 extra day)
I’m looking for a new crockpot. Those used to always be Black Friday sales items, but now it’s all Instapots. Hmph.
I see that crate and barrel has kitchen aid on sale with free shipping. I did not look at the prices to see if they are good or not, but hopefully!
Bah, I was also planning on doing Storyworth as my gift to each of my parents and was hoping there would be a black Friday deal on it, but it’s only $10 off of $99 which is more than I was wanting to spend.
Storyworth is a service that emails a question once a week, the recipient replies with an email, then at the end of the year it’s made into a book. It’s a nice way to get family stories or learn more about a particular relative. Does anyone know of similar services before I go with this one?
On the bright side it’s digital so I don’t think it adds to anyone working over Thanksgiving or additional shipping.
I looked into this last year, so there could be more options now, but I didn’t find anything cheaper. I ended up getting it for both of my parents and have been glad I did.
I will email your parents for the low, low price of $75.
We have had and loved a Schlage keypad lock for the last 6 years. It is Not Smart, Not connected to phones, but has worked great for us!!
This is awesome.
Where on earth does one buy string lights to decorate outside?! I’ve looked for them at three different grocery stores. I don’t want to have to go to a hardware store or online but I guess I have to? Are there Christmas light shortages?
In the past I’ve bought them at Target, I’ve never seen them at a grocery store!
I’ve always seen them at like Walmart, menards, etc. there may be a shortage though.
Target and Walmart and Costco is where I’ve bought them over the various years.
But yes, there’s a shortage. Esp depending on region.
We were at Home Depot yesterday and they had a decent selection of lights. It also seems like there’s an ornament shortage, we’ve been struggling there.
Canadian tire usually. But also Walmart
Thank you all. Apparently the answer to “where do I get this” is always “Target” and I should remember that