Yoga With Adrienne - 30 Day Journey

Done with Day 2! It felt SO GOOD to use my muscles today, especially my core. I’m still struggling with my knee but that is to be expected until I get it back into shape again. Right now any pose that requires me to brace with that leg makes my knee burn and hurt after about 3 seconds. However, I did everything today and didn’t need any breaks or adjustments to poses so I am very happy with myself.


I finished day 2. I got a bit off track over the holidays with the exercises I need to do for my plantar fasciitis and I’ve been starting to feel the PF pain. Doing this seems really great for me because it is easy to bundle those exercises after the yoga. I’m feeling optimistic about actually completing this challenge!


Did Day 2 and I feel like I got psyched out by all the talk about abs? The shoulder openers were more uncomfortable and my hip flexors gave out first on the bicycle thing after all those lunges!


Day 2 in the books! My right shoulder felt tight on DD so I kept having to take breaks from it. This feels like a good balance of challenge, relaxation and accountability where maybe I’ll do it consistently ish.


Day 3:

Also, if the YouTube videos aren’t ideal for you and you prefer downloadable ones or want them earlier Adrienne provided this link:
(Not free but a pay what you think deal).

Also, also, if you don’t want me to link the video each day let me know. They drop at 8pm here in the future (Australia) so I do them them in the evening of the day they’re planned. I assume it’s god early in the US right now.


You are all doing amazing work! You made it through day 2!


It is super useful to me that you do! Thanks!


Found the calendar! Still haven’t gotten it in my email so thought it might be useful to post.


I like the video links in your post even though I get the emails.

When doing the video yesterday I didn’t notice my shoulders feeling tired or wanting to give out, or even much of stretch. I actually remember consciously taking note that they felt strong and stable and powerful. This morning they are quite sore though! They definitely got a workout!


I’m a day behind, but I did Day 1 yesterday.

I’ve been having all sorts of weird aches and pains in my lower back and shoulder, and this actually made them feel better? I focused on a lot of weightlifting in 2021 and only did like 3 yoga videos, and it’s showing, haha. This will be very good for me, I think.


I did day 3!

It was good. Thanks to Meowlet for making me much better at planks and halfplanks. Turns out carrying a wriggling 30+lb human around everywhere is good for building strength and stamina.

My left shoulder is weird and tight. Interested to see if that shifts at all.


I did all 30 days in January last year and February was the least achey/stressed knots/shoulder pain since like college. It was both incredible and sort of infuriating since I never got back in the habit for the entire rest of 2021. Who knew stretching plus a little core strength was so good for you! (I know I know, everyone. That’s why it’s infuriating)


I did a lot of yoga in … 2020, I think? It was great. I stopped for a while over the holidays and then when I tried to restart in 2021 I was shaped differently and the poses felt different and weird and it made me sad so I stopped. I’m excited to not care as much and get back into it :slight_smile:

Core strength is so overrated (/sarcasm). I have terrible core strength after having kids, lol, I hate core days. How can anyone plank for that long?


ok, I have completed day 1 to the best of my current ability. More knowledgeable yoga people - how bad is it to do anything kneeling on a pillow? My left knee really dislikes taking any weight.

I suspect that she will have me tapping out fairly quickly at this rate, but perhaps if I can be less perfectionist and self-judgy. We shall see.


Folding over a towel, blanket, or your yoga mat for support would be more standard for a modification, just because those would be more stable than a pillow, but you’re probably fine, especially if those wouldn’t provide enough cushion for you.


Completely failing this. Oh well. Not my year. Have fun y’all!


Thank you for the direct link! My internet is out from our snowstorm and I thought I wouldn’t be able to do day 3. I’ve walked down the street to a house of worship to use their wifi. Downloading now, so I’ll have to find another excuse not to do it


Totally fine to use a pillow! As Chaskavitch mentions there’s other options as well. In case you have knee pads (e.g. from volleyball, skating) these can also be used.

Personally I don’t prefer the pillow as it’s often too high and thereby interferes with half my leg rather than just the knee, but if you have a small and/or flattisch one that shouldn’t be a problem (I own big pillows only apparently).

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I really enjoyed today’s video. I might be weird but I love bridges, warrior 2, and planks, especially side planks! It flew by and I couldn’t believe when she said it was the last stretch. I wanted it to be longer!