Who do you want on the dem ticket as VP?

Oh this was interesting! I’m still all here for who the VP will be. As a Minnesotan I will be rooting for Walz because he’s awesome. Also his lieutenant governor is really great and will continue what they’ve been working on.


I have been hearing very good things about Walz.


I’ll also point out that after the BLM protests there is still plenty of racism, the police have not been defunded, and people are still getting shot. Also there has been a giant backlash.

So while I believe that protest is important I don’t actually think it’s going to have a lot of influence on foreign police.


I would like to see Rashida Tlaib, Cori Bush, or Jeff Merkley (since he’s a White Man who has some decency around the genocide in Palestine).


Protest is not the only way to take action.

This issue is not just about foreign police.

I think merkley is a no go because he’s Oregon (so it would be entirely a west coast ticket) and too liberal. Need a Midwest moderate to win.

Tlaib would be a wild ticket and make for a very very fun election cycle to cover - and is Midwest - but I don’t think it’s a terribly electable ticket. BUT IMAGINE the veep debate!!



I am thinking less about electability and more about what would make me more inclined to vote for her.


So you would prefer Trump?

I think that’s the stumbling block we’re having in this conversation.

We’re not picking a fantasy league. We get to pick A or B, where A might not be our very favorite but B is absolutely terrible, including on the issue you particularly care about.

See, this is a bad faith argument. I have been very clear about my opinion here.


Agreed. It wasn’t who can win, it’s who do you want. Unfortunately none of the people I would want would win :joy:


I see that the governor of NC has withdrawn his name from VP consideration because his Republican lieutenant governor would be in control when he was out of state.

I did not realize that there could be a Democrat governor and Republican lieutenant governor in a state?


Yep and the lt gov is a piece of human trash and I pray to God he doesn’t get elected governor. His views on women are disgusting and about 50 years out of date.


Whoa. I take it he did not choose him? That’s weird.

ETA: wait, shit, I think we do it that way here too. :grimacing:


Wow I didn’t know that was possible either! I’m guessing the laws are like the original US laws that say the second place person becomes the VP. I do wonder how the US would look if we still had that in place.

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Well then I’m glad he took himself off the VP list!


Every state has a different rule but we don’t even have a Lt Governor here. Just secretary of state. Who is sometimes a diff party because they’re elected and run entirely separately.

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As someone who consumes an awful lot of media for work, Buttigieg has been hitting all the shows- left and right leaning - hard this week, mostly talking about transportation stuff but it’s way more media than he usually does.



I’ve seen some of what he’s said and it’s awesome.


I’d love to have him as VP.


Anyone know what his stance on Palestine is?

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