Today I Learned

This week I learned that if I braid my hair to swim I don’t have knots and can comb it out better afterwards.


Somehow I completely missed this and only turned up on the people with penis question. Wow this Twitter thread is so cool to read! Thank you!


Found this piece today and thought it made a nice follow up to the Twitter thread I posted yesterday:

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The part about filling out the form really struck me. I worked on developing (not the coding part) a virtual form that rolls out differently depending on your answers o the first questions. If you say you are a parent or caregiver, for instance, the wording will be different than if you are a kid, or adults seeking books for themselves. The issue before was that for some people in some circumstances, you were made to feel that you were filling out the form “wrong.”

Anyway, I wonder if virtual forms could offer a smoother experience to people outside the two boxes that medicine is used to using. Could there be a question asking what kind of plumbing you have, and another question asking your gender identity (with, of course, more than two choices for each), and that would populate the form with the health questions applicable to your situation? I dunno, maybe that would be too complicated and mixing up the questions would be more suitable. I want everyone to feel like they are filling out the right form.


I took a survey yesterday that asked my gender and had a text box to fill in the answer.


I knew someone who was helping a person with a queer dating app. There was a lot of discussion about how to allow people to identify themselves and articulate the characteristics of their desired match(es). Not sure where they ended up.


Today I learned- There is a field called art genetics:



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RIGHT? Like, I don’t want to reduce art to Existing for Tangible Usefulness, obviously. But this gives me the same sort of thrilling joy as learning cultural norms from random peoples old journals. I just find it delightful.


I super enjoyed learning about that. Thanks for sharing!

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People salt watermelon.


Other melons too

Also great with feta. I assume same idea since it’s very salty?

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Daylight Savings Time in the US is supervised by the Department of Transportation


the trains must run on time


So we need to appeal to Pete Butigege to stop the insanity that is daylight savings time.


One of the only things I agreed with in the Trump platform was calling for an end to the time change. (I believe it was making DST permanent, but I don’t really care which way we go as long as we stop the time change.)

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Ooooh, I am a HARD no on making DST permanent. I do not like sending my nine-year-old out the door into the dark and can’t wait for the time to change back so it’s not almost pitch black at 7 am.

There’s a movement to have elementary schools start earlier and high schools (and sometimes middle schools) start later, so this problem of little kids waiting outside in the dark is likely to get worse, not better.


He’s about to deal with getting his babies to accept that the time has gone back an hour. I think he’ll be on board.


:exploding_head: anaphylaxis was named as the opposite of prophylaxis. Because the idea was they were going to try and inoculate against something (jellyfish toxin) but instead dose 2 killed a ton of the animals (dogs, pigeons). So, opposite of their prophylaxis. Makes sense but :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head: I had no idea.

(1902, French scientists)

Ran across this in a SciShow today about antihistamines.