My friend who is a PT is going to do a zoom consult with me about my soft tissue hernia. Idk why I didn’t think to talk to her earlier, working up the energy to engage a new PT was a roadblock for me
Got confirmation. My mom and dad, both lifelong republicans, both voted top to bottom blue yesterday specifically, my appeal about the granddaughters really got through apparently.
That’s amazing!
Like I was literally in young republicans in college. These are. Big. Big changes for my family.
Wow! That’s fantastic l
The Ordinary is having their 23% off sale until Dec 6th.
My coworker from Wisconsin realized that her absentee ballot from abroad hadn’t been received so she scrambled and was able to send in another ballot via a friend who was flying back to the US on Sunday, landed yesterday, and sent it through overnight express mail to theoretically be received today
Wow!!! Doing the lord’s work BJ!
One of my coworkers bought doughnuts for everyone this morning.
Mine did too. Some of us are sad eating and others are happy eating depending on how we voted.
My coworker is gay, so I’m pretty sure they’re sad doughnuts on the giving end. Although Colorado did remove language defining marriage as “one man and one woman” from our constitution, so maybe it’s both.
good lord. i wouldn’t be able to be in the room with them .
Someone I supervise at work has been really proactive about developing his English language skills (as a non-native speaker) but no longer able to afford the class. I was able to find a grant from HR for continuing development that he’s eligible for, and the department director (who’s a bit of a dick) has agreed to recommend him for it! So hopefully that works out
What fantastic advocacy !
2022 tax documents are in to the accountant, including 84 itemized medical expenses! It was about $27K worth of eligible expenses, so good thing it was mostly used to make a cute baby.
Do they all measure slightly small?
Or perhaps 3 sizes too small? Lollll
Until after Christmas?