Truly delightful when she’s not making me question my will to live.
If that ain’t a universal parent statement what is
Ravioli likes the co-op’s pre-made tikka sauce! We knew he liked the Trader Joe’s version but we don’t go there often so this is actually a Medium Victory
When you have to darn a hand knit sock in a hotel room without a darning needle, you can hack a hotel sewing kit to provide what you need
at first I was going to try to use the threaded loop to pull the yarn through the needle eye, but the eye was too small, so I just held the thread tight to the needle, and used it that way to messily duplicate stitch the hole.
I will post this in both spots, I suppose?
Doctors appointment edition
Tiny Victory: My doctor dug around in his samples and gave me over two weeks of an expensive medication I’ve been curious to try.
Tiny Complaint: I’m a masker nearly 100% of the time, but I took it off for less than like… 3 minutes of our appointment while I was explaining something to him and he coughed uncovered just directly onto my face. It was shocking and I think he felt like he was just “clearing his throat” because he said NOTHING afterwards.
4yo just tried to delay sleep by asking for food and water for the first time ever! Super proud of him.
Oh my god NO
I have a cold and we’re out of Kleenex and almost out of toilet paper BUT I recalled that Past Me tucked a pack of parade-throw Kleenex** into a purse I don’t use in the summer. It’s nice Kleenex too. Thanks, past me!
**yes, this is a thing. Sometimes at parades they throw useful shit like Kleenex, napkins, socks, chip clips, notepads, sunglasses, zippered pouches…. It’s pretty awesome
I made a phone call that I’ve been putting off because it checks ALL my “cease to function” boxes-
Must be made at specific times, always when I’m solo parenting
Long hold times
Shame. Prior attempts that didn’t pan out and a fear I’ll be judged for my failure to understand a complex system.
Stress over the needed services themselves.
Phone, because phone.
But anyway. I did it, and I got info, and I used that info to push the glacier of doom one step further!
You did the thing! Yay!
I am awake. This is no small feat this morning.
I’m just continually amazed at how much the vacuum picks up. And I run it around the apartment 2-3x a week!
Finally got the draft of the last audit from 2023 off to the client!
I had a dental cleaning scheduled for today but I’m
Sick. We were able to just trade husband and my apts (his is in a month) and so no cancellation fee!
I just found a way to make a list on my library’s website similar to how I’ve been tagging books I want to read in Libby. I’m sure this feature has been there for ages but I just now found it. And added a bunch of books to a “future” list so I won’t forget about any particular titles or series (which is what usually happens).
My library has something like that, and it will even tell you which ones are available now and which have a holds list. Genius!