Tiny Victories

I paid attention and didn’t make more mess/overwhelm myself by dragging the glass top shelf out of the fridge after I’d culled the food on it. It isn’t that dirty and it just doesn’t have to happen NOW.

I dealt with the food I’d dragged out instead, entirely. It’s done. The fridge is usable, the kitchen counters are clear, the trash can is fuller – and I did NOT get overwhelmed! :grinning:


After 2.5 years of dealing with my obnoxiously loud bathroom fan that is on the same switch as the light, I figured out today that the fan can just be…unplugged in the ceiling. I had no idea! I can’t wait for a quiet shower!


Yeah, not like humidity is a bring problem where you live.

Yesterday I had to buy Guinea Pig food, and I usually set an alert so that I get an email when it goes on sale.

My 'usual cycle" is when it goes on sale, buy two bags, and it’ll be on sale the next time I need it.

I dunno why, maybe the sale cycle changed, or the varying number of Guinea Pigs in my house has messed up my system, but it hasn’t gone on sale and I couldn’t wait any longer.

Well, Ren’s pets has a buy nine get the tenth free deal - and guess what number bag yesterday’s was! That’s right, number 10 bay-bee.



I haven’t had rainbow sherbet in years so I bought some last night. It’s still delicious.


Made a lot of lasagna earlier this week, two small ones for the freezer and one big one for two dinners this week, so tonight was just reheating it for dinner.

Also in the past when I got clothing for Kiddo I got two sizes and the size that didn’t fit was the bigger size so I stashed them away. Today I remembered and pulled them out so that’s a bunch of shorts I don’t need to buy for him, and also some pants assuming they still fit properly if/when we actually get cold weather again one day.


I was bored and hot sitting at home and tired of knitting on my project. I decided to go to the library and get the Elizabeth Zimmerman book on knitting I had found there last winter but wasn’t ready to read yet. I ended up sitting on the floor, as the knitting books were on the bottom shelf, and looking at knitting books for awhile, and it has been WAAAAAAY to long since I’ve done that in a library. I almost teared up when I realized where I was and that I was on the floor being a kid again.


Love this! Which book?

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Knitting Without Tears. I’ve read through it once quickly already and have at least one new idea to try. I bought the book on making her Surprise jacket and just am not ready to try it yet. I’d like to find anything by/about Barbara Walker as I see her techniques mentioned by a lot of designers I like.


That sounds like an incredibly good day.

If you’re looking for Barbara Walker - I just started digging into Knitting from the Top and I love her style so far.


THANK YOU!!! I am now signed up with Internet Archive and they have the book I truly wanted to see, Mosaic Knitting. This is sooooo cool. I also wanted to look at Knitting from the top as that is how I knit my sweaters and she may have originated it.

This counts as a BIG victory for me!


Kinda complaint but it’s also a victory - I BOUGHT THE WATER HEATER OUT TODAY. So it sucks but it is finally done and it s one less bill to deal with every month. Such a predatory bullshit scam.


I an trying my 4th Pho place this week for lunch - I am on Tour de Pho!


This is by far the busiest place, so slower service.


Truly a great week! Are you having summer rolls or spring rolls or staying dedicated to pho?


Today I ate my first ever cannoli


Just pho - for (.pho) science!


Knitting Without Tears is great. The Surprise jacket is so much fun, but you have to carefully track your rows and stitches.

Today’s TV: adding Internet Archive to my list of free sources for books. Thanks, @iualia !


congrats! truly, the rest of the world stares in disbelief on that business model


How many cannoli is it safe to eat in one sitting? I have a friend that really wants to know