Tiny Victories

Ugh, my friend said this is sketchy because all your browser requests to through Adguard. I removed it and installed the Brave browser that someone recommended. It is absolutely blazing fast on my Android phone. I set it as my default browser and even the OMD forum app is much faster!


You could always die alone in a ditch even with a ton of money! The world is your hard-shelled aquatic filter feeder!


This is the kind of affirmation I come here hoping for. :rofl::heart:


The tax person, last Monday, recommended that I put XXX.XX in an IRA, just for me, not a joint one. This will make me a little more secure. If something happens to DH, I will have $200 after paying the mortgage to live on, in a month. That’s assuming that SS is still around, which I"m not sure it will be. OTherwise, the two retirement accounts pay for about 2 months worth of expenses, each one, 2x a year.

I can’t get DH to understand why this makes me panic for some reason, but the tax person came up with a way I can SAVE 1/2 my current SS and it’s in my name only, so I don’t have to get consensus to do this now.

It will save us tax $ and liability, so DH is onboard. He has always been in love with cashflow, and my emphasis has always been on owing/spending less overall. When he’s been out of work in the past, he worked on generating $ while I tried to find ways to reduce what’s going out. In some ways, it was perfect, but here we are near the end and I really, really do NOT want to try and live on $200 a month or less because he doesn’t want to make 2 house payments each month. We do overpay, but it’s 5 years out to pay off the mortgage and he only wants to work 1 more year…


I disapprove of the universe dumping that crap on you.


Yesterday it was literal crap, all down my leg. Due to a yard scooping mishap.


I have accidentally stepped in my own dogs poop more times than I care to remember. I haven’t dropped it on myself - yet.


told gig that no, I can’t move my calendar blocker on Friday just so they can get a couple more interviews done this week


Yes! Good enforcement of boundaries.


Gave someone on Nextdoor a bunch of rhubarb. Pulling some will help the plants. And someone who likes this stuff will happily use it! Win-win-win.


Late last week we lost 2 large branches in a storm. So I got to use a reciprocating saw for the first time to prep them snd move them to the curb for free city pick up of storm waste. :muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle::muscle:


Those are so much fun.


Yes, I was a bit smug for a day or so. Even more proud that I didn’t bisect a major artery or mash my foot with a falling chunk of wood.


I’ve only used a chainsaw once, and it was a mini one, but even a few years later the memory makes me grin and strut just a little.

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You should strut, you are badass even without a chainsaw.

We have a small chainsaw - but baby steps. And Hubs thinks the chainsaw needs oil, or something.


Wear jeans, when using power tools. Other fabrics can grab a blade and get tangled. Jeans will deflect.

The same is true for welding, soldering, and anything else with molten metal. Sparks bounce off jeans but stick to other fibres. Polyester is the worst, it will melt into skin and sometimes catch fire.

Other safety stuff is probably also good but jeans is the one tip I don’t often hear repeated.


I had bike shorts for all work, and sandals for part of it. I also went pretty slowly and constantly reminded myself to be careful. Years of work with radioactive material, biohazards, machines that can blow up snd such is a helpful background for the importance of being careful.


My strategy of doing nothing and hoping the problem goes away worked! The dishwasher is magically draining properly after a few weeks of not.

I wish this strategy worked for everything.


I love when that happens!


It happens just often enough to get your hopes up. Glad this was one of those times