Tiny Victories

Got a letter from the tax people saying I owe them high 4 figures. My TV is that I noticed a couple of days ago that I’d put the money for taxes into the wrong bucket and talked to a nice person at the call center who set up a ticket to move the money over to the right spot.

So instead of being super stressed and needing to urgently figure out what happened, I’ve already proactively dealt with the problem.


We watched Wonka Sunday/Monday and the kids have been talking about noodle. So good job noodle! You’ve been in our hearts


I’ll be in youuuuur hearts :notes::musical_note:

Big big thunderstorm. I’m sitting on the porch, drinking a margarita and watching the rain plummet to the Earth and smelling petrichor.


I forgot I froze a work-lunch last month, and I noticed it in the freezer last night.

Today is an in-office day


I remembered to take the 2 ties and the muffler thingy to the dump. Yay!

I also took 9 books, but who’s counting?


My period overflowed my pad onto the back of my underwear, but luckily I woke up in time (maybe that exact second?) and there isn’t a single spot on the bed! I keep checking but there’s nothing :smiley:


Ugh - I hate that feeling. Good timing though!

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I bought 24 tins to put spices in, yesterday. They’re filled. There’s 16 asst. custard, mustard, spice and marmalade jars in the recycling bin that had held the spices. The other 8 mustard jars are in the box the tins came in, and after I wash the last one, will go into the attic.

So – net? Mismatched bits out. Neater/more organized pantry. Other bits being kept? Also neater and more organized.


My co-editor and I both agreed to pull the plug on our wordpress “website.” He said, “too little traffic, too much spam!” and I agree. Will save everyone a few bucks and give us less to do, as the constant spam was a continual job.


Adela the now-10-month-old-huge-kitten just used the litter box and I heard very satisfying “thunks”. When we first got her she had the grossest smelly diarrhea blobs (and required butt washing which she did not appreciate) and finally this “tree barks powder” digestive additive helped firm things up but not entirely, and I thought she might have to be on it forever or maybe we had to figure out if she had food allergies. I thought we might have to deal with disgusting poops forever!! But it seems that the additive let her gut heal and we’ve been tapering off it and it was just a gross kitten phase!! It feels like a huge victory :smiley:


Busy week-and-change:

  1. Survived sibling visit. Was not supposed to require survival skills, but youngest nephling (10mo) brought a nasty stomach bug home from daycare that took down my sibling 3 days into visit, right after sibling’s spouse flew out for a family thing on the other side of the country. For actual parents I’m sure it’s not a big deal, but as someone with no kids, I’m really not accustomed to be handed a screaming 10mo old exceedingly early in the morning and then wrangling them and the 4 year old alone until sibling was able to do more than alternate between the couch and bathroom.
  2. Avoided said plague myself (officially fingers crossed, but I think if it was going to hit it would have happened by now).
  3. Finished another successful STEM outreach camp for middle school girls immediately upon returning.

Even us actual parents would whinge mightily about that (not to the affected ill person but to everyone else, yes). That sucks all around! :crossed_fingers: You didn’t get it!


A kitten livestream for all:


i immediately ran downstairs to show this to Partner and now we’re cooing at it.


That sounds like a hard visit. And 3yo plus 10mo or 4 plus 20mo have both been nightmares as a parent so to do it as. Non parent you get extra gold stars


I finally finished a bag of loose tea. I think it has been in progress for 3 years. I’m sure nobody here knows what I mean. Lol


I know. I just started working on an open bag of tea from about 2007.


Voyager 1 is talking again


Oh my god.


That is so cool!!!