Also recommend Bentonite Clay and/or Endo-Sorb. (Endo-Sorb is more expensive but did work a treat. I mostly used Bentonite Clay.) And GastroElm Plus (which is majority slippry elm) for general intestinal distress. G used all of these. Only had to use metro once.
I’ve used Hibar’s shampoo bar before. Worked okay. DH doesn’t like bar shampoos, he wants lots of suds/detergent, so I gave up on that idea.
I’m home from my trip. The cat has been kissed and is now laying on me.
Excellent. I am glad kitty is getting the attention you owe her.
I had a friend check on her and give her treats a few times but I don’t think the cat allowed much/any touching.
My lovely friend’s father is taking his neighbor to court (long story-- neighbor is an asshat. He bought friend’s dad’s house and property two years ago with a life lease aka “you can live here in your old age very affordably I’ll just own the property “officially” and isn’t that nice???”, and is now trying to bully friend’s dad out of the house so he can sell the combined properties to a developer) and they got assigned a court date!
Aaaahhh bad neighbour. BAD.
Good court date good.
Yeah turns out when you sign a life lease with someone you have to honor it. WEIRD! You can’t just be pissy and bully them out because you could sell to (theoretical!) developers for more money if the property didn’t include the lease in the sale!
I’m fairly confident friend’s dad will win the suit but
What a stressful situation. That neighbour is an asshat and you can tell him I said so.
It’s in a very small rural town and apparently everyone now hates this guy and is rooting for friend’s dad.
There’s some social comeuppance happening for sure
Small towns can be vicious - dude’s going to get a scarlet letter (“C” for con man?)
Did a theme park all day and now everyone is on board with grocery store deli for dinner instead of dealing with a restaurant.
And it’s often better since restaurant food is often too fatty, too salty, too much.
I’ve found my new personality description
Except you are “just right”!
I keep getting ads for SHEIN when watching YouTube. I mostly watch stuff about handmade, sustainable, and vintage clothing.
I find this hilarious. Yes, waste your ad money on me. (Of course it’s a large complaint that SHEIN exists at all.)
The library’s hold system is back up and running after a ransomware attack
Now they’re having trouble dealing with the load volume of everyone logging in, but I’m sure that will calm down shortly
I got the 2 garlic braids cut from the flat anchor bases I made, without cutting the bases… I can use them again. Hurrah!
I made flat bases from a 4 ply braid, then using string and a needle, put the garlic on it. When I was cutting the garlic off, it wasn’t clear if I’d cut the flat braids or not?
My wood burning hot tub hasn’t been behaving well all winter. It’s been hard to get a decent fire going and on Saturday it just completely refused to draw through the chimney and the water stayed lukewarm. I was very sad
Yesterday after some poking about when it was cool I found the bit on the edge of the firebox that connects to the offset chimney was full of water!!
It took an hour to mop out the water through a small gap at the top, lots of scrapes on my arms and stiff hips by the end of it, but the fire I lit in the afternoon was excellent and burned so steadily that the water temperature was still perfect for a sunrise hot tub this morning
Going to try an come up with some way of capping the chimney in really wet weather because I never want to have to mop it out again!
We are flying home today!! It will take essentially another whole day but then I get to HOLD MY BABY