Tiny Victories

Horizontal hang track (obscured completely by top shelf):


Vertical rails:


Brackets (they also have heavy duty versions):


We used generic lumber cut to size but you could definitely go fancier if you wanted/can afford/want something sturdier/more permanent. In the aisle with all of the shelving pieces they also sell prefab particle board shelving if you can make a standard size work. Hope this helps!


Guys. The baby. Slept til 6 today.

This may not happen again for months so I’m enjoying feeling rested while it lasts!!!


We went to the nearby coffee house and bought the last gift card. My Christmas giving is done as much as I can get it right now. I have one more thing to order and some gifts to mail, but… the local, wrap it up and deliver it pieces are all done!


My insurance situation from pregnancy/birth is a mess because of course it is, but: I made my first phone call since the birth to get something straightened out!

Next up is dealing with some hospital bills that our car insurance should pay for.


Thank you! I’m so excited to do this project when I have free time in a million months from now haha


Discovered Hubby’s debit card hasn’tbeen hacked after all!


I peeled all the wallpaper off of the kids bathroom so easily that I didn’t even need to use the hot stripper.


BIL is still in the hospital but doing better.


Complaint: You missed your chance to make jokes about the hot stripper.


Oh, have no fear.

All the hot stripper jokes have been made.


I had a pair of Icebreaker socks that got holes at the top at a seam (definitely not wear and tear) a few years ago. I sewed it up and the stitching came loose again. Last time I checked they had an unlimited warranty on socks and I finally got around to submitting a claim. They said it’s only a 1 year warranty now! I wrote back nicely and said it’s not wear and tear and would they make an exception since they used to have an unlimited warranty, and they said they only discontinued that policy in October and will do a courtesy warranty approval for me. Yay free socks!


I had bought a 3 pack of refills of Da Bird feather toys from Amazon. The first one lasted ok but the other two did not. The third one fell apart almost immediately. I was at the pet store and bought more today and it was so obvious that the ones I had bought were fakes!

Since the purchase was from 3 months ago they didn’t want to refund me, but I nicely asked to escalate to a supervisor and they did give me store credit. But I shudder to think of what horrible things I was letting my cats put in their mouths :sob:


I basically won’t buy anything on Amazon, unless it something where I don’t care at all if it’s a counterfeit or not (eg I just needed a t shirt for something). It’s really inconvenient! People will counterfeit the weirdest stuff.


And strange twist - if counterfeit goods are identified and taken by enforcement, they still end up on the market after being sold(?) off - you can find these things on eBay and other sellers (maybe even Amazon vendors). So they are not even kept off the market, just someone else profits instead of the OG counterfeiters.


Da Bird is actually an obvious product to counterfeit, it’s a few feathers in a toy and then you can basically sell them in a 3-pack for $20. Never again.

I did a Woolx “Happy Returns” at my local Unleashed by Petco store and as part of it they gave me a $10 off $40 coupon! With the coupon I stocked up on a new Da Bird wand plus a bunch of refills. Emma has been going a little crazy and when she’s not exercised enough she takes matters into her own paws and tries to run outside, so we want to have the toy handy!


We are so party ready that I am showerinf EARLY and then dressing later


I just hooked up a new modem and router and my internet is FAST.


A friend of mine needs to downsize her books so she is going to bring me 3 random ones for my trip, and probably start bringing me some on a regular basis. She only likes paperbacks, and I told her they will probably get left behind while I travel, which she is fine with.


This is actually a pretty big victory—got the 5k I put in a dependent care FSA for 2023 refunded after submitting the manual paperwork for any time the in-laws covered us. Made up a random rate and wasn’t sure if they needed fake receipts to process? Deposit hit my account on Friday. We decided we actually ARE going to pay the in laws that amount and now we can (FIL has been out of work Q3 & 4, and 94yo grandma lives with them, so they can use the $). Next year we are not doing the DFSA, too much stress with an off-the-books nanny. When we transition to an actual daycare I’ll sign up again.


Different TV: I think the magic molecule stuff actually works