Tiny Victories

Fighter practice last night was good and I had a few really good passes (enough to get compliments from another fighter).


I have completed my first independent work since being retrained


Both children got braces last April and our benefit plans for orthodontics are 50% to a maximum, except I have 50% and husband has 50% - which will combine. His max exceeds what we need, mine is slightly less, but it means if the benefits pay up we are paying about $500 per child for their orthodontics

My insurance is the primary, and will only pay monthly installments

His is the secondary, but will pay the full bill if it’s paid at once. However, they want to see what the primary pays first, because they will pay the rest.

Playing the long game, I paid one child in full and put one on monthly installments. It took from April until now to gather enough paperwork and proof that it was:
a) paid in full
b) the other provider was paying 50%
And Husband’s insurance has officially paid up their 50% of the total. This means that the full bill is currently about 91% paid by insurance

In the new year, I’ll move the other child from monthly payments to paid in full, and do the same. (he’s currently at about 53% paid by insurance)

Then, if husband leaves his job before the orthodontics are complete, we have already received their payments for it.

(This does mean pulling from the emergency fund for my insurance provider’s 50%, then paying it back to the TFSA in monthly installments)

**actually - even though I am going to make the payment in January, I should probably remove the money form the TFSA late December this year

*** Actually actually - what I’m getting back today for J2 is what I will have to pay in Jan to pay off J1’s - so maybe i just sit on today’s payment rather than dumping it in the TFSA


I cleaned the bathtub.


Old New job allows me to listen to music during the workday again! I had missed this so much. I need new headphones for the office, though. I’m not going to lug my big corded ones back and forth, and the headset I have for WFH days has an expensive and hard-to-impossible-to-replace Bluetooth dongle, so I will need a third option. The work issued headphones I’d been using hurt if I wear them all day (sigh…glasses wearers can commiserate).


My Sams Club now has a gas station. It was .35 less per gallon than other places yesterday.


Got a call from the pediatrician’s office today, they have enough stock of the RSV antibody shot now that they’re offering it to eligible babies < 8 months, and we have an appt next week!


My tree is decorated. Apparently I’m getting a cat for Christmas. :heart:


One of my extremely kind regulars at my coffee shop job WALKED a cast iron dutch oven (doesn’t have a lid) to the shop to give to me.


il her.

She used to make bread but doesn’t much any more and we were chatting about it the other day and she was excited to pass it along to me. She wouldn’t let me buy it off her.

She’s such a honey.
Older trans lady.
Her wife made Xmas ornaments for all the staff too.

:heart: :rainbow:




i know :sob:
I promised to pay her back with endless bread pics.
This is the way.


J1 sent a text asking if I can buy them a ticket to the school’s semi-formal.



Just one ticket, not two? Would folks typically buy their date’s ticket?


I asked if they had a date, and the response was MOM!

seriously dude, are you going with someone? Or going with friends?

Friends mom.


(I think in this generation the kids are more likely to pay their own way or take turns)


Not sure if TV or TC. I did a lot of productive things today despite being really tired and I’m in bed now, but in thirty minutes I have to take my kid to the doctor like a responsible parent or some bullshit like that.


Obviously things differ between cultures but we all paid our own when i was in highschool!

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I discovered today that I had entered a wrong automatic savings number when I changed roles. The number I used was a mix of my previous and current role, not all my current role. I have been saving an extra $32 a pay. :slightly_smiling_face:


My cookies turned out delicious. I have some to take to work tomorrow and some to give to family today. I bought red food coloring and added more cocoa to the red velvet cookies and they are much tastier. (And prettier!) I gave my family 2 kinds of fudge last weekend, and work might just not get any since it didn’t set up.


Looks so good!


I repaired the holes and added cat nip to a couple well loved toys.