Tiny Victories

i finally sold a massive chair and ottoman and rearranged my dressing room so that i can have a daybed. i will get that set up tomorrow (using a bed frame we already have + a cheap mattress) and it will become my dressing + daydreaming room.

i sold the chair + ottoman for $350 and spent $160 on the mattress so i’m coming out ahead!


A daydreaming room! !! You are goals.


Sold a piece of artwork! $318 CAD after PayPal took its cut. Ugh! After shipping I get just over $250 CAD. Not enough for what it is, but a lot better than nothing!


no phone allowed!! :laughing:


Hopefully posting before I am on the plane won’t jinx me, but I am having a very pleasant Thanksgiving Wednesday travel experience. The train to the airport was way less crowded than expected, it only took me an hour (it usually takes 1.5-2 but I had good transfer luck), and I got a red cup from a Starbucks whose employees were pleasant and working so fast (I tipped). Now I’m sitting in a pleasant sunny corner of the airport organizing stuff on my computer before I board.


Safe and speedy travels @zygote


Thanks! The flight ended up landing early, a true holiday miracle.





I did some Christmas decorating. I got the garland on the front porch and my collection of cute trees put out inside. And of course my Grinch doormats have to be out. I will put my tree up in a week or so.


This isn’t a personal victory, but I just found out my godmother/aunt is getting remarried! She is 76 and had a long and very unhappy marriage to a man that did not treat her well. She got married at 19 because that’s what everyone did at that time, and had a ton of babies and never got divorced because it just wasn’t done. She has spent her entire life serving her now deceased husband, her children and every one around her with absolutely zero focus on herself or her own desires/happiness. In my 32 years of life she has never once forgotten to send me a birthday card or call me, and she is that person for probably 100s of people. Anyway, apparently her fiancé is a super guy, he treats her like a queen, and she will be able to retire finally and she is so happy! I’m so glad that the last part of her life will be spent in the happiness she deserved to have all along.


This is fantastic!


The baby survived his first BIG thanksgiving. DH has several very loud, like screaming laugh loud, female cousins and they all talk at once and they never stop talking. They of course all wanted to hold the baby. I barely saw him all night :joy:


This made me tear up.


I am so so glad for your aunt :heart::heart::heart:


Made it home just in time to put the trash out. Like if we hit one more red light we would’ve missed the truck.

Now I’m in soft pants and blankets and the dog is snoring in her cushy bed.


I recently acquired a new-to-me bread maker and after a few tries I created my first successful loaf tonight.

It tastes “just ok” and for a person who really doesn’t and kinda can’t cook overall, “just ok” is phenomenal! :trophy:


That’s amazing!!! Yay first bread!

I was looking for Marmalade’s boarding passes to submit for Alaska Airlines partner miles for his India trip, and we found all but one. I had given the business class “amenity kits” to someone from Buy Nothing and asked her to check inside, and she found it and took a photo for us! It’s 20K miles which could easily pay for a round trip ticket to see my sister in California, so we definitely want those miles.

Also I think because he earned such a huge number of miles, Alaska bumped him up to first class for his Seattle to Portland flight!


When we cleaned the scout trailer a few weeks ago we found two cast iron pans that my co Scouters joked about needing to make sure your tetanus was up to date before using.

They wanted to throw them out.

I have thoroughly scoured them, and they are currently seasoning in my oven.

We’ve been needing new trailer frying pans, and now we have them.