Tiny Victories

It’s 67 degrees in my house. The AC is off and windows open for the first time since May. The longest summer ever is finally over!


I had to file paper taxes for 2022 for the first time ever (with a 6 month extension) and have been nervous because I am not 100% confident I filed correctly for our situation. Just got notified that our refund was deposited!


i finally filed claims for all my out-of-network therapy appointments. it’s a website workflow but ridiculously slow and stupid and complex, so i kept putting it off. but i filed my 20 outstanding claims today and will be receiving ~$1700 in the next few weeks. very exciting!


Oh my goodness, a few days ago I started listening to OPB instead of WNYC on my Radio U.S. app, and I just heard my first Lillian Karabaic interview in the wild (the one about the Bike Film festival)!!

Been listening to NPR on WYNC for at least five years off and on, so to hear LK on All Things Considered is very exciting! The topic couldn’t have been more you… :slight_smile:

So this is my happy for today :slight_smile:


I activated the lifetime guarantee on my wearing out Tilley hat last Friday, and yesterday a new tilley hat showed up in the mail for only $20 in handling fees.


I am out of work today so I’m doing alllll the hard things:

  • Started the process of enrolling Ravioli in Early Intervention for PT
  • Applied to renew TSA precheck and discovered there are appointments tomorrow, which I have off! Perfect!

Still to do:

  • Call and make a vet appointment (not urgent, just a check up, although Leon will probably need another tooth extracted :roll_eyes:)
  • Call to make eye doctor appointment
  • Thank You cards for Ravioli’s first birthday
  • Choose photos from family session to edit
  • Apply for a job (!!!) because I actually found one that makes updating my resume worth it
  • …update my resume :laughing:

No. He was just born, the perfect tiniest.little.filled pasta we’ve ever seen.


I had such a lovely time at scribal night last night. I would like an hour to paint every day, please.


Discovered they’ve started stockg frozen falafel out here in the back of beyond, so I can eat falafel for supper while Husband is at a conference.

TC: it’s about as good as you might expect frozen falafel from Walmart to be.

TV again: still better than no falafel (and I generally don’t fry, so not much interest in making it myself)


When Bowie knocked over, and open, my vitamin d bottle, it was only my first day using them. I was able to count the remaining capsules and confirm he hadn’t eaten any.


I had two sturdy boxes that were too large for my “box lady” to use. I saved them in my garage in case someone in my BN group wanted moving boxes, and it’s been a month but a guy came today and picked them up!


I purchased a new warm winter coat

TC - it was at Uniqlo, so I am supporting fast fashion, but they are the only ones in 4 or 5 years that zipped at the hips and didn’t look completely silly at the shoulders

I also bought a coat liner, so I can decide later whether to use that to extend the usefulness of my beloved corduroy chore coat, or just have the big new winter coat or what.


Torta Jalisco (Birria- style beef and grilled pineapple)



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My phone didn’t charge overnight. Oh no!

But the problem is the charging cord, not the phone itself, big relief.


5 Below had the other 2 hamster pens when I went this weekend. Now my little blonde hamster has buddies with him!

Irreverent office supplies make me happy


The toe strap broke on the sandals I wear 90% of the time so I went to a cobbler for the first time and he fixed the strap and also replaced the very worn out soles for like $6 total!


You are saying I should pack my suitcase with broken shoes when I travel to Cairo? I feel like that repair would be ~$40-50 here.


lol it’s not the worst idea I’ve heard!

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my credit union phone app also has my retirement accounts on there and displays the balance, there was no option to turn it off and it bugged me.

i had a had a morning epiphany–i opened up two new checking accounts with the minimum balance required to push down the retirement account balance display!

great to to have to look at the market all the time and imho, it was an elegant work around i’m really proud of.
