Tiny Victories

A) that is gorgeous
B) LOOK AT ALL THE COUNTER SPACE! Prep room for days!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

There is room for a designated spot on the counter for dirty dishes, plus clean dishes in a rack on the other side, coffee make space, small appliances if necessary, and a whole island of prep/plating space too!


Very pretty! I especially love the light fixtures over the island.


Me too! I love how they make a sunburst on the ceiling.


When I ran a used bookstore, I had someone try and return books that were different than the books they’d actually bought. That is, they’d buy a first paperback edition for say $5 and want to “return” a reprint copy I hadn’t sold them, for the $5. So giving me a $1 - $3 book and getting $5 in cash or trade back.

Right-y-o… why wouldn’t I accept that deal? Um… let me think~

It’s the same, but different is what they said too. Some people!


I lost my favorite sunglasses at a bar yesterday and someone found them and turned them in to the bartender! So I have them back now.


Took my dog out for a FIFTY minute walk today! Between him being sick five mornings in a row, me not feeling well, lots of evening plans, and a heat wave, he has not been getting out as much as he should. Poor dude was walking around barking at 9 pm last night because he was so bored. I hope he’ll have a better day today!




I have set up the kitchen to make up the 8 quarts of “stewed” tomatoes I plan to make today in such a way that I do NOT have tomato cooking mess all over the place. There’s a large plate now with the compost bits on it, the onion/celery/bell pepper bits are already in the compost bucket (which is FULL)

It’s not Martha Stewart, by any stretch, but it IS organized. My kitchen does NOT look like a :tomato: bomb was set off in there.

There are 4 quarts cooling as I type this.


We just got our property taxes taken off our mortgage payment. This means we have $0 going into escrow now. (We already had homeowner’s insurance taken off of escrow.) Although we are now responsible for making direct real estate tax payments to city hall, we also can earn some money in interest on the amount that would otherwise have gone into escrow.

It’s not life-changing, but every little bit helps.


Today I left work at 230 to run some errands. I think my new report was in shock when I said well, let’s go for the day. She can’t get email so I gave her a few tasks, and said don’t worry about it, she will have busy days down the road. I think she is experiencing a bit of the same PTSD I did when I left that part of the corporation and came to this one.

I also sat on the sofa, took a short nap and read a complete book. It has been a great day. Every day should be like this.

And now I’m enjoying a spectacular thunderstorm with lightning.


This is how I woke up this morning! And that’s my victory. We never get lightening here, and when we do it’s 2-3 strikes and done. This was a STORM. Lovely way to spend the pre dawn hour.


My client brought me a gift and a sweet card. :heart: Her husband makes these gorgeous cutting boards.


Whoooooa that’s beautiful

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What a nice gift!


I overcame my uncomfortable feelings and talked to an older white man on a bike ride about a weird, racist question he had asked.

long story

One rider was exhausted and lying on the sidewalk during a brief stop. Older dude started taking photos of them, person on the ground asked him not to, and instead of STOPPING he asked someone nearby to vouch for him, to convince person on the ground to still let him take the photos.

This third person knew the person on the ground. The photographer went, “Oh, you know each other? Are you related?”

They were both Asian and VERY CLEARLY NOT RELATED.

So I went up to him after and was like, would you have asked two white people who happened to know each other if they were related???

He didn’t get it and tried to talk over me and even HELD HIS FINGER UP AND SAID “LET ME FINISH” and I rolled my eyes so hard, but eventually I got him to acknowledge that his question was weird.


Good job you! That was definitely weird :grimacing:


I got a weighted pool toy forever ago, used it once, and then it disappeared. I looked everywhere for it, missed having it on many pool visits since, finally added new ones to an online order.

A week later and it turns out they fell back behind a cabinet. So yay now we have lots of pool toys I guess.


I just found a group called YIMBY Fort Collins :slight_smile: I think I’ll try to attend one of their meetings before I donate, but they seem pretty reasonable.


We’re all covered over in elderberries here. Hands stained in tiny purple splotches, giant batch in the freezer. More will be ripe next weekend.