Tiny Victories

i slept TEN HOURS last night. no drugs, minimal wakeups. i honestly can’t remember the last time that happened – it has been years! i feel amazing and so grateful :pray:


Summer morning rain! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::droplet::cloud_with_rain:


I received a medical bill for $300 that I knew shouldn’t be that high, threw it in a pile for four months and refused to take follow up action, and I just got a follow up letter that now I only owe them $100. I would have paid $200, so procrastination paid off!


Love this for you, hate that this is a legitimate strategy for “dealing” with medial bills in my household/perhaps the entire country. What a messy system we have


Seriously! And that not everyone knows that some of this is negotiable or when numbers don’t make sense. A reasonable person might have just paid the $300 right away without thinking too much about it.


We’re out of pasta sauce but I impulse bought pesto at the store the other day so dinner is saved.


As a (slightly hilarious) follow up to this, I requested a return/refund of the capris pants since they aren’t what I wanted and I can’t wear them…the response received today: “I don’t understand why you’re asking for a refund. We sent exactly what we advertised except that they’re pants instead of shorts”.

Yes. Yes, that is exactly why I’m asking for a refund :rofl:


Exactly the same except different! Just like you wanted!


TC: Discovered there was a yellow jacket nest in the compost while turning it.

TV(?): Only got stung once.


I got stung by a yellow jacket a few years ago - the swelling was huge and lasted a long time. I ended up icing it to deal with the ongoing swelling and pain.

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This weekend I went to a nearby museum with a butterfly exhibit along with Kiddo, Mr. Meer, and my dad. We did the butterfly part briefly and then Kiddo wanted to hang out in the kids area so while he was occupied and had two other adults there I decided to go back through the butterfly part. As I was walking out I saw a small child who was taking a picture of a group of adults with what was probably mom’s phone so that a large exhibit behind them would be in the frame. I offered to take a picture of all of them and after minor kid-wrangling got several shots. Then I made my way to the actual butterfly part and meandered through, enjoying the time to myself, and I saw other families with either the mom taking the picture or someone in a group trying to do a selfie. I took pictures for three more groups and that ended up being the best part of my day.

(My dad took a picture of me, Kiddo, and Mr. Meer too, and I got a picture of him and Kiddo. Photos for all!)


Ravioli cooed at two butterflies today


Getting a bone density scan this morning and my clothes have NO METAL (luckily I found a sports bra without hooks or metal clips that hold or connect bra straps).


We must wear very different types of sports bras. I don’t think I’ve ever had one with any kinds of clips or hooks or anything!

I have some from Puma that have adjustable straps, so there are clips to hold the adjustment. Most sports bras I had before didn’t have these.

ETA: I asked the tech, and she said the hooks in back of a bra can be a problem as they line up with your spine, one of the regions imaged. Metal on bra straps are probably not a problem.

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I met the sweetest outdoor cat while measuring a house today. He even let me rub his tummy.


He needed some lovin’


Just finished this kitchen, I think it turned out really well.


Well done!

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Looks like something from HGTV!