Tiny Victories

lol, oops, wrong thread. :joy::joy::joy:


Also boo for getting woken up.

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The tree outside my bedroom window is in bloom.


My Tony Victor is that I had to go to CVS and I decided that instead of going straight to CVS, I would walk around the reservoir between there and my apartment, and I did, and I got more exercise, and also I saw 2 baby geese.


The shoes that I bought online, on sale, without trying them on (obvs, because, online) fit perfectly AND are quite possibly the most comfortable sandals I’ve ever owned. This never happens. I have very misshapen feet that have Issues and I don’t have a car so walk everywhere.

Now the question is: how many extra pairs do I buy? Every time this happens the style is promptly discontinued.


I usually opt for two backups of any unicorn items. Depends on how quick you wear through. Do enough pairs for 2 years maybe? After that I feel like rubber and plastic can degrade sometimes :frowning:


I am pretty hard on shoes on account of all the walking - also, I’m vegan and nonleather shoes wear out faster than leather in my experience. I’m down to 1 backup of my previous pair (which is since discontinued and I can’t even find it on ebay or threadup or similar).

Probably 4. But spread it out. Two now and two… six months or a year from now. So you don’t have a spending heart attack.

Also be sure to try them all of (in the house) to make sure they do indeed fit. Because, you know. If it turned out something was wonky you would not be able to get a refund later.


What spell did you cast to get these sandals?

Buy all of them. Every single one.


I’m going to +1 getting a two-year supply, whatever that means in your usage.


But then they just have to shoe shop again in two years. That’s too soon.

Better than thinking you still have a backup pair, taking them out, and they’re crumbly with old rubber :sob:

That’s actually never happened to me. The pair I took out of the box a few weeks ago has been there for at least 2 or 3 years and they’re in perfect shape.

Smacky has a point. I hate shoe shopping. Unless I’m buying new shiny glittery pairs of DMs, of course!

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Oh yes, this pair I wore around the office for an entire week before being confident enough in them that I took them outdoors.

This place is SO different from the other place, over there I’d be getting facepunched - “you do not NEED more sandals right now!” No, but, in 2 years I probably will?

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I mean, for most people I think that it is somewhat true. I have more shoes than I need, for sure. But in this case, when you truly have difficulty finding things that fit and do not hurt, I think it is appropriate.


I have five pairs of blundstones in the same size. Four are packed away for future use. In my experience a pair of blundstones last 8-10 years, I am set for the rest of my life, assuming declining activity in later years.


omg I love this


Tiny victory today, which I attribute to luck and the goodwill of the nurse at my rheumatologist’s office, is that I have all the meds I need for my two week trip despite the fact that I totally forgot that tomorrow is Memorial Day and the doctors I needed to call won’t be in.


Greyman is making ribs. I am so excited.


Today I am blessed by Tony Victor. I discussed appropriate lunch options with Ponder before grocery shopping together, secured an agreement for trying what I made, and he seems pleased this morning to be taking brown rice salad in to work. We also have started to get the hang of “lunchbox veggies” - chopped carrots, mini cucumbers and cherry tomatoes. I can chop enough carrots for a few days at a time,.and the others don’t need any prep. I am SO PSYCHED to have my efforts at lunches being appreciated!