<3 but also sorry about your ingrown- so painful!
I specifically saved a large % of my monthly grocery/food/gas/extras budgets to spend in the city this week at Costco, Sprouts, REI, etc, and then decided last minute I didn’t need to go…now I am $400 under what I thought I would spend this month, and at the lowest spend month of the year so far!
Thanks. It doesn’t even hurt. I just know I have to deal with it or it will only get worse.
I stood up for myself by canceling PT with someone I didn’t trust! I mean…I had DH do it, but still counts? Maybe? Tony???
It counts. The point was keeping yourself safe.
Tony and also Victor.
Since the surgery I’ve been feeling useless. I don’t like it. Today I did a couple of household tasks and a couple of administrative tasks and I’m helping my friend out with childcare later. None of these are big or strenuous things, but they add up to me feeling satisfed.
Stretch goal - shower. It has been far too long.
My friend’s kid is here so my friend can work. Kiddo is alone downstairs with a project to work on. Happy little kids who are concentrating on something they like tend to sing or talk to themselves, as a general rule.
Kiddo has been singing for an hour.
I know I’m 30, but can I be a happy little kid in your house someday? It seems so good.
I proofed the loaves from yesterday and today in makeshift bannetons (a colander and a bowl). I really ground the flour into the cloths so that the dough would not stick. And the dough did not stick! Tony Victor!
Happy kid now knows how to knit and is thrilled with herself.
I would babysit you any time. Snacks and movies and reminders to drink water and crafts.
edit to add photo of child knitting with sleeping dogs on her legsMy puppy is back to normal after her marijuana poisoning. Fun fact: even if you and none of few of your friends partake, your dog can still consume hidden-under-AirBnB-couch-edibles. That was quite an adventure. Just glad it was something transient and non fatal. When she first started showing really bad neuro symptoms, I was worried it was a genetic disease some dogs her breed can have that’s always fatal.
So there we go, my Tony Victor: my dog is alive, she doesn’t have a fatal genetic diseases as far as I know, and she is no longer stoned out of her poor little mind.
Isn’t that the best. Mine is,too,and not in pain, so there’s another Tony Victor, and another day of gratitude.
We had “no food” in the kitchen for dinner, so I cooked ramen noodles, DH chopped some cooked chicken and sliced cucumber, then we mixed it together with soy sauce and kewpie mayo. It was delicious.
Turning my tiny complaint about insomnia into a big old Tony Victor because I did all the little chores I’d normally do in the morning. Amazing how much easier it is to clean when you have both arms free!
I wanted to buy a particular kind of bookcase, but could only find it made from particle board, which goes against my intention to not buy future landfill. And I don’t have the spoons to buy furniture second-hand on gumtree (our version of craigslist) which is a way around the environmental issues. Here’s the Victor: my sister is getting rid of her bookcase that’s exactly what I want, for only $100, because she’s decluttering most of what she owns while she gets ready to move house! So I’m not buying something brand new that doesn’t align with my environmental values, and my sister will probably deliver it to my house, and it’s saving me money. Woot!
Got back in the gym last night after not going since Sunday
A big heavy wooden thing in my bedroom (like a 3’ x 5’ wooden lattice) fell over in the middle of the night and woke me up from a sound sleep, scaring the living daylights out of me.
… that sounds like Tony Victor’s evil doppelganger, Vony Tictor.