Sub-tiny victory: I signed up for my 2020 health insurance plan.
Actual tiny victory: I realized that it was auto-renewing me for 2020 based on my 2019 income projections (including income from that pt job I no longer have). I figured out how to change that amount, which meant I was able to sign up for a plan with higher premium tax credits AND - most importantly - with significant cost-sharing reductions.
Translated for readers who are thankfully unsavvy in the ridiculousness of American health care: I will pay a lot less for my health insurance next year and will have MUCH lower co-pays and deductibles.
First thing this morning I got a trip to the airport in Los Angeles. No sooner did I get home than I got another trip to the airport in San Diego. I am very tired but my victory is that now I have $205!
I’m working from home because the weather is gross. This is much preferable to the old jobs where you’d just go in the night before the weather was supposed to hit and sleep in the office, then eventually go home after the roads were cleared a day or two later.
My little dude was being fussy and annoying this morning. I’m bad at mornings, just super cranky. This was a bad combination that ended in him crying. I’m a monster. But we reconciled and hugged and talked about it before he left for school, so hopefully his day isn’t ruined by residual bad feelings.
The director of the fashion office at Barney’s liked a bunch of my brand’s Instagram posts. I feel like it’s dumb to be excited about this but here I am.
I had to be up at midnight for a feeding anyway, and it meant I got to do a grocery store cyber Monday deal. Each $100 gift card you buy, they give you a $25 one, limit 4. They have limited supply though. I was able to get all 4 free $100, and all of it still went on our 6% back on groceries card.
My friends invited me over for dinner last night and I decided to ride my bike instead of driving. It was a beautiful clear night with no wind and I found $1 on the ground on my way over. Thanks, Universe!
I like my power tools to all be the same brand so they can share a battery. I don’t want a bunch of different tool batteries and chargers, and fuck corded tools. We live in the future.
I have needed a jigsaw for a while. I started tracking prices for my preferred brand. They were generally $150-170, which is more than I’m willing to spend.
Rona discontinued the saw and so is selling it for $47. Yay! But I went to their store and they were out of stock.
Canadian Tire does price matching! And have that saw in stock!
So I came, I (jig)saw, I conquered!
Then I crossed the street for a brie cranberry green apple sandwich.