Tiny Complaints

That suuuucks. Are you and your coworker going to push back on it?


We’re both wusses! So probably not? I need to talk to him about it when we are out of the building and away from the cameras though. I do feel that 20 total days is fair for the length of time we’ve both been here. We got to 18 days when we hit 15 years and it will never go up. To be fair, it can be hard when people are gone when there’s only 3 full time and 3 part time employees.

ETA! I just said something to the daughter who is also the manager. It was hard and now I need a cookie. She’s going to talk to her dad who is the owner.


That definitely gets you a cookie.

And that’s bullshit. If he’s closing the office, those are added paid days off.


She said that my coworker told her last week that he didn’t want it and was going to work over Christmas. Then today her dad says it’s not an option. Last year I had vacation days left over so it wasn’t a big deal but coworker did not so he “worked” even though we were closed. He worked a few hours a day, so not really at all and got the days off anyway. Which I mentioned to my manager as being unfair so we will see what happens. I also said that 20 days would be more fair with the length of time we’ve both been here. I feel like in some ways my boss is great and others he isn’t which I’m sure is true everywhere.

But… whatever happens I’m patting myself on the back for saying something because I am a wuss.

ETA I just told coworker what I said to manager. He said that our boss had told him he could take off any extra time unpaid. But also that sucks with as long as we’ve both worked here.


I forgot to fill out my time sheet (at all) this pay period, and now I have to remember what I did for the last 2 weeks :frowning:


Me: “Can you point me to the documentation for the new XYZ feature? It’s listed as ready to be tested.”

Architect: “Well, the X portion is documented <here>. Except, these things have changed, those things don’t exist anymore, and also we had to reorder most of it. And Z is documented <there>, except for the fact that they rewrote the firmware in a new language and now all of the messages are different.” [Note: Z is entirely a series of firmware messages]. “And I think made a powerpoint for the Y part a year or two ago, let me see if I can find it on my computer.”



Boss just said that for this year he’s giving us the extra days. Not sure about future years, but I will take it.


Now you have présidence !! Glad he sucked it up. Good job!


I got a Lowe’s credit card to get 20% off my new dishwasher and I didn’t read the fine print and the discount tops out at $100!

At least I got the normal 5% discount


Couldn’t get into work VM 14 this morning so I submitted an it ticket around 930am. Mentioned this to a coworker around 2pm and she mentioned “oh yeah, I heard the software got moved to VM 1-3. Nobody’s been able to find it but word is slowly going around.” And yup, it was there. Couldn’t have been a company wide email or anything.


I have 15 more minutes of pretending.


Next door neighbors are building a deck. I’m tired of BANG BANG BANG BANG


Mr. Meer has the colors for the recycling bins switched in his head. Cardboard/paper go in one, and plastic and metals go in the other. He’s sure they go into the opposite color from what they’re actually supposed to go into despite me telling him and showing him the website (he immediately forgets). It’s been over ten years, I suspect it’s not going to change at this point. At least it’s an actual person who dumps the bins into the truck so I’m sure they do it by material and not by bin color. But c’mon.


Can you put a sign on them? Pictures of what goes in? That would help kiddo learn too right?

(ETA reporting in with my brain that will either remember a detail for all time, or be utterly incapable of retaining it no matter how much I try)


One of my 3 remaining wisdom teeth popped out last night. Last time this happened the tooth was impacted, got infected and after getting it extracted I got dry socket. 3 weeks of searing pain. Luckily got into the dentist tomorrow, fingers crossed for no repeat of last time :crossed_fingers:


I just sprayed myself right in the face when I turned on a sprinkler in a possibly vain attempt to keep part of my grass from dying.


OG FitBit band gave me a bad skin reaction that took weeks to heal. I took a few months off, but missed getting text notifications and checking the Time (it helps reduce my phone use a ton). So I got a stretchy watch band. Super comfy, BUT one of the side clips pops off any time it goes on or off and several times a day besides. Back it goes. Got a new watch band. The clip part is way wider and heavy and so now it’s uncomfortable and it also makes my wrist look like a child wearing daddy’s watch.


I am trying to reprogram or unprogram the new thermostat and I’m ready to take a hammer to it! I am missing thermostats where you just turned the dial and then left it alone. Sigh.


I’m never quite sure when faced with a new thermostat if a nice cup of tea or a nice glass of wine is the appropriate solution. It’s usually one or the other though.


I went with iced tea and I think that with the help of some nice gentlemen on YouTube that I have solved the issue.