Tiny Complaints

At work, I opened my little purse pill bottle, hoping for two ibuprofen and one decongestant. I found four ibuprofen and no decongestant. I tilted my hand to put the two extra ibuprofen back in the bottle. One went in, one fell. I looked on the floor and had no idea where the fallen one had gotten to. At this point I felt a sense of deja vu. I was not hopeful, but there was a flashlight handy, so I got it and looked for my missing ibuprofen. Shining the weak beam under my desk, I found… the decongestant I must have lost under there months ago.

No, I did not take the floor decongestant.


Since the beginning of the year there developed 2 personal crises in my friend/work community.

Rule of 3 hit this week because we CAN’T CATCH A GD BREAK

My tiny complaint is that the above is not a tiny complaint.


I have complained about this before and will again.
I really like the podcast For The Wild in terms of guests, content, etc but…
A. I can’t get over the hosts voice. It’s so careful & whispery & gentle. Almost patronizing.
B. I really dislike musical interludes in podcasts (exception for that Dolly Parton podcast, but I digress) & every now and then this podcast will squish in like nearly a whole song. Ugh.


I absolutely would take floor decongestant :rofl: (eta in these specific circumstances. Knowing it was mine, when it fell, etc)


Even though it fell weeks or months ago and had been sitting on the floor at work?!


Me too. Blow off the dust, a rub on the sleeve, then down the hatch!


They’re coated :see_no_evil: I’m not saying it’s a GOOD idea. Many, many things I do are not things I would recommend to other humans.


I am assuming it was in a dry place the whole time, and not in a heavily trafficked area. But I have some pretty lax standards on “5 second rule” questions.


Yeah I was thinking desk, private space, etc as well

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Great minds! (Yes, I am flattering myself with this statement :joy:)


One feature of my disorder is that scar tissue is weaker than other people’s, and sometimes just goes away for no reason.
Right now a long since healed cut on my hand is reopening. It hurts like hell. This didn’t have to happen.

Also ridiculous frustrating bullshit is happening in my life. I’m focusing my irritation on this hand thing.


I thought I was buying Greek yogurt. This what happens when I don’t put on my reading glasses while shopping.

I don’t like goat milk so I don’t have high hopes for this yogurt.


It’s rude of them to also make it blue and white colours. Very confusing.

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I’ve accidentally almost bought goat yogurt too many times. Why is it so close to regular yogurt in the store? Does your dog like yogurt? Hopefully someone in your house will be a taker!


I too have accidentally bought the goat yogurt. I used it up in baking and curries


My dog has definitely ended up with goat yogurt. I don’t even use glasses. I have no excuses.

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Big time frugal fail!

Last time I bought baking powder, I bought it from bulk bins at a semi-local health food store. It was cheap, about $2… so when we started getting low, I kept trying to get by there.

I finally did, today. And I didn’t look at the price, I mean, why? It’s baking powder, right?

It was $6.21, with the tare removed… $6 for baking powder? I can get a can of it at the market next door for $1.50 or so, for 8 oz… WTF???

It is (and I confirmed the $) $22.99 a pound. As it’s organic. ORganic? It’s a chemical mixture… organic???



Truly tiny complaint: for the first time ever, we made too much money to qualify for IRS Free File last year. I’m having to use my brain and free fillable forms, and I guess I’ll resort to dead trees and the USPS for state.

Edit with more complaint: oh wait, looks like we qualify for TCE (Tax Counseling for the Elderly) at the local library.


I love organic salt. I know what they mean, but FFS.

And back to previous tiny complaint, I have now either replaced or repaired/reflashed every single piece of networking equipment in my home, cables included, and service is still intermittent at best. Bets on Comcast technician wasting most of the appointment tomorrow insisting that I need to use a modem I buy from them rather than diagnosing the damn problem (which I’m 99% sure is on the line into the house at this point)?

On the other hand I have replaced all smoke alarm batteries to make the horrible beeping stop and there’s nothing I can do about what’s happening at work, so…50/50 on fixing things.


A lot of times, baking powder contains cornstarch, which is probably the part that is organic in this mixture. Many people worry about corn specifically being GMO, if they are anti-GMO.