Tiny Complaints

Those books are amazing and I would like to complain that I’ve read them too recently for a reread to be truly satisfying yet.


Get drunk or high, then it’s like you’re a new person reading them for the first time.


Just realized the nail polish I ordered at 3 am the other night is coming from Canada. Between USPS slow downs and Canada post, it’s never getting here, huh?


My best nonstick pan has become a stick pan. An extremely sticky stick pan.


That is very annoying. I just replaced a pan, again. Why/how does this happen. Durable! Hardened! Best Ever! Fancy Marketing! coatings always seem to wear away or get scratched. I promise after ruining our first expensive set that we thought was “buy for life”, we aren’t putting them in the dishwasher and we do take care to use rubber spatulas. (I won’t try the cast iron, because of wrist pain issues).


I strongly suspect a child ran it through the dishwasher because it went from perfectly fine to completely ruined all at once. I wish my hands and wrists could handle the weight and need for scrubbing that come with less fussy pans.

Do you have a brand that seems good? Does anyone here?


I love my cast iron, but it is NOT an easy item for most people. I couldn’t wash our pans for a solid 4 months post partum because I didn’t have the core strength to balance them. Great functionally for us on the cooking front, but yeah, cleaning them can be rough.

We’ve used a few I like of the ceramic type, but I recently read a… I think America’s test kitchen? Or consumer reports. Article that confirmed my suspicion- ANY of them have a limited lifespan. None of their testing has found nonstick that is “buy it for life”. We just end up replacing our egg pan every 6 months or so, and it’s very babied.


I like Myland from the Chinese supermarket and home goods stores. Because they seem the exact same but cheaper. Or, pre covid, the restaurant supply store on Spadina was great for anything and everything. Come visit post covid and we’ll buy a suitcase and fill it with frying pans


The first set we ruined was a “calphalon one” set. (Even before ruining it I didn’t find it as “non-stick” as I expected). We’ve cycled through so many brands with not much better luck. Our latest pan is calphalon classic, and my one month of anecdata is that it actually IS non-stick (more so than the expensive ones from 15 years ago). I can’t speak to longevity.


I’d like to fry things before then, though!
My province has banned in-person shopping for nonessential items, so ideally I can click and collect a pan from Canadian Tire.
I initially wrote that as Canadian Tired, but that’s me, not the store.

@IDoMe Thanks for the suggestion! I will see if those are available near me.

Additional TC: a city bus driver had some kind of medical emergency, maybe a stroke, and crashed the bus into a house at rush hour yesterday. Nobody died but the whole thing sounds like a total nightmare.


Oh no.

And whatever is on sale at Canadian tire. Or starfrit because they are cheaper than t fal


Thank you for sharing that you replace your egg pan frequently. We don’t use ours daily, but use it at least several times a week. I’m typically noticing visual defects that make me squeamish within a year. We use non-coated pans for a lot of our regular cooking and I’m hopeful that those really will “last forever”.


I gave up on nonstick pans a long time ago. I bought expensive pans 35 years ago and am still using them. Cast iron has gotten too heavy. I have glass baking pans in various sizes but replaced the biggest one with a metal pan as when full of casserole it was too heavy.

What kind of expensive lightweight pans are working for you? I have some quality stainless, but for bigger sizes they are still pretty heavy (I love the smaller ones)

Alas, contraindicated activities for me. A separate tiny complaint. >•<

I suppose I’ll just have to wait and read other good books in the meantime…



Oo, that one might be suitable.


A good conk on the head? j/k

Naomi Novik’s Spinning Silver and Uprooted are very good and atmospherically similar.


Haha I’ve read both! and enjoyed them, especially Spinning Silver (that book was rad).

The answer is probably that I re-read Cat Valente’s Deathless.


Were-ever pans but not sure if they even make them anymore. They are 35 years old:)). They were expensive back then no clue now and if they do make them don’t know about quality. I got sick of my kids ruining the nonstick pans.

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