Tiny Complaints

I changed my phone number a while ago. Just realized that I didn’t update it with Vanguard. Now, I cannot get into Vanguard because they keep texting a security code to my old number. So I decided to email customer service - nope, you can’t do that unless you’re logged in. And I can’t log in without the code from a phone number I no longer have. ARGH. I am going to have to MAKE A PHONE CALL. Nooooooooooo


It rained in LA on Sunday. And snowed in the mountains. Not a personal complaint, just that our “perfect” climate is going wonky, too.

(I hate LA weather from August through November, hence quotes.)

Sick. Sore throat, snot, cough, fever, lots of whining.

ETA ears hurt.


I haven’t eaten any sweets or junk food snacks today and it feels like MONTHS since I’ve had a treat! MONTHS!
[dramatically flung arm over my face] :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


My sympathies, that’s the worst.

OMG, no thaaaank you.
Wow, so sorry.

Pain relief requires meds that make me high. When foster kid is here I don’t feel ok being high. I need to be able to respond. So last night I didn’t take anything and didn’t sleep. Then there was a kerfuffle today so I didn’t sleep all day. 2 or 3 hours of sleep in the last 24.
Now surprise! Foster kid is here for another night. There is a crisis at his regular home. So no pain meds tonight, so probably no sleep. And tomorrow is my first day of work since the surgery. I’m not well enough but also I have to do my job.
I’m tired.


I’m sure this is the wrong thing to do but somehow, how I read your problem made me think “the solution is for both you and Foster Kid to take paid meds!”

(For real, I’m aware that is the wrong thing to do. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )


Second day of a headache, but at least it’s not as bad today.

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I have a million papers to read on the weekend. At least I was able to find a million interesting papers?

Also, Ponder did not like the couscous I made specifically for his lunch, because I know he likes brown rice salads and such things. Next time I’m just going to spend the effort making brown rice. At least the kid and I like it (which is of itself actually a Tony Victor)


Ohhhh HUGS

Complaint: I had to be at work at 7AM today
Victory: I still got up and walked in (meaning leaving the house at 6:10AM) :muscle:


Update, which is not a complaint: I took meds and slept and feel better. Also I’m not working today after all.
If something had happened that would have sucked. This was irresponsible of me. But not sleeping is so shitty, so…?


I’m sunburnt :lobster:


Another driver got in the right lane (T-intersection, two lanes: one going left and one going right) to turn left around me into the same lane.


Still sick. So achy that I woke up because my pillow was hurting my face. Too dizzy to walk far, light hurts my eyes, and my vision is blurry. I very much hate this and don’t think it’s just allergies anymore.


Biked to the library half an hour ago to pick up a hold. It doesn’t open until noon.

Killing time in a coffee shop with 11% phone battery.


Still sick. Very grumpy.


Someone brought in Tastykakes to work. They are the exact Tastykakes that I was obsessed with as a teen, the ones my bestie’s mom kept in the freezer so they would always have some when I came over. (She kept lots of Tastykakes in the freezer, but those ones were for me.) Of course, they are not vegan.


What on earth is my stomach doing today? C’mon belly, be easy buddy. :persevere: