Tiny Complaints

No macarons at the cake stall I visited this morning.


I apologize for my excellent dude and myself who don’t wear our rings ever :upside_down_face:

My complaint is all the crap and crazy nutcase options on my voting slip.


Ah. Then I apologize for my husband. He can’t wear his ring at work, or when he works out, and we’re too cheap to buy those weird silicon ones. So he just ends up rarely wearing it. Really just when we go out to dinner.


Daisy the big idiot stepped on my abdomen and caused much pain. Now she’s sad that I yelled at her and I’m comforting her.


OH MY GOD, Doggo woke me up at SIX A M. It’s better than poop or pee in the house, but SIX A M!


I know- :pensive: I was so sad to hear this.

Made it to the dealership early enough to be third in line to get my oil changed. Dealer couldn’t change my oil since the power was out and not scheduled to be back on until after they close. :disappointed:


I have shingles. I hate shingles. Also many related complaints.


:cry: Hope you feel better soon


I had a nice interaction with a unique looking small bird in my yard early this morning and this evening I found him dead in my yard without his head.
Please don’t give me a “nature is metal” lecture, I understand that these things happen and this is how it all works :yin_yang:… but it still stinks. He was a very precious cute little dude.

It is sad and also makes me anxious
Where is his head?

  • Is my dog going to pick it up in her mouth and I’m going to have to remove it with my hands?

  • Am I going to step on it unexpectedly in my bare feet?

  • Am I going to… oh God, am I going to mow over it?


Oh noooo that’s terrible.

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Ugh. That is very very sad. I think that you are unlikely to find his head. It is probably in his murderer’s belly.

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It hurts to play on my. Phone. I’m too tired for anything else and not tired enough to sleep


Elle has shingles and I hate it.


I’m so sorry!

This seems like an at least medium-sized complaint. :nauseated_face: Sorry, JJ.

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Alas a very common house cat tactic is to just eat the head :disappointed_relieved: most of them aren’t doing it for nutrition, just the hunting behavior. So… upside I guess is you’re unlikely to find the head :confused: and that is a very sad complaint, I’m sorry. I hate losing bird and squirrel friends like that.

My tiny complaint today is just weird pregnancy aches and pains- weird lightening zaps in my boobs and round ligament pain and my pelvis is no longer stitched together properly. It makes me feel like a rather poorly assembles marionette. (And yes, I am delighted and grateful to be pregnant. That doesn’t mean parts of it aren’t uncomfortable).


I have a new complaint.

We live in a world where JJ felt silly for being sad about a dead bird.*
Birds are lovely and wonderful. This particular bird enhanced JJ’s life. Being sad is normal and appropriate.

*If silly isn’t the word for your feeling, please correct or ignore me. I don’t want to misrepresent you.


What? Noooooo shingles sucks so much. My weird recommendation is honey. Just live in a vat of honey for a month.

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I changed my last name and it feels super fucking weird, even though I have always disliked my maiden name.