I had to look up my dates again to remember what percent I use. Basically what I personally have done is wait until around the 20% risk date and then look at the 10 day forecast. If the entire forecast is 40+ at night, I figure it’s probably safe. If there’s some 30s in there though, I’ll wait. But my weather here is somewhat easier to predict so I dunno.
My temperature keeps popping up a degree or two, since yesterday. Normally I wouldn’t care, because I mostly feel fine. But in a time like this, I’m obsessively popping the thermometer in my mouth every half hour, hoping it will just go away.
Don’t bother more often then once per four hours unless you feel a shift in symptoms or have a fever reducing med on board that’s wearing off. And don’t take it within 15 min of smoking, eating, or drinking liquids.
I personally wait until nighttime lows are consistently 50 degrees (unless you have the means and ability to cover if it drops between 45 and 50). Temperatures below 50 can trigger adverse physiological effects in tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Some good frost cloth can protect 5 degrees or more, so if you are committed to managing that I might consider it (if you can get frost cloth). I usually wait until between Mother’s Day and Memorial Day (depending on the year, last year was awful cold until basically June) and I still get tons of tomatoes and peppers and eggplants.
In the PNW I put things out early then covered as needed (with old sheets). In my current, drier, colder-ground climate I just coddle the heat-liking things under lights and wait until the last half of May.
More accurately, I wait until 1 month after my plum has bloomed, which varies by up to three weeks every year but hasn’t failed me yet.
That’s a good idea - yes, I own a cutting board. Somewhere.
At minimum this might discourage Girl Kitty from jumping on my lap which contains a keyboard.
Here too, I’m lucky to be close to the lake.
I don’t put the hot-weather crops in until Mother’s Day at the earliest. One year I did that and we had sleet a few days later. I do have a frost blanket though.
Oh right, I forgot. We usually have hail at least a few times in May, of large enough size that can really be devastating! It’s such a crap shoot trying to predict the weather!
Baby sleep chaos. She keeps getting her feet out of the legs and getting upset. But she’s too long to wear smaller sizes.
Husband and I forgot the fish we baked for the dog’s food in the over overnight. Food waste (although it was super freezer burnt anyway, but now we need to make her something else), and the oven needed cleaned, and the apartment smells bad.
I’ve been congested for a couple days but can’t blow my nose at night or I’ll wake the baby up.