Tiny Complaints

Skating rink was closed for Easter but I didn’t find that til I went all the way there.


My front tire will not inflate.

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Seems to have subsided after taking Imodium. I am a horrid patient.

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This is why I bought the model that can pop out of the wristband and sit in a little magnetic clip on my bra instead.

Well, not weightlifting specifically, but exercise that makes the wristband annoying generally.

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It took me 3 hours of precious free time to trace and cut out a skirt pattern. I hope the sewing stage is a heck of a lot faster.

I’m coming down with a cold and I don’t wanna =(


Woke up with a sore throat today.

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It’s 72 degrees out - so yes, office building, let’s BLAST the air conditioning! No warmth for you! We must always be COLD COLD COLD! Sturdy Midwestern Stock! GRRRRR! {manly sports grunting}

Also, I was complaining in another thread about how I’m almost out of pairs of the 1 style of sandals that don’t cut up my feet. I grabbed a new pair this morning (almost new; I wore them in LA for a bit when I was there earlier in the month). And… they are cutting up my foot. Like, in the arch. WTF. These are the EXACT shoes that I have worn without incident for YEARS. I do not want to go another 10 rounds of “let’s order and then repeatedly return sandals because they cause blood” this summer.

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Feeling very complainy right now.

I tried to go to the DMV and get a REAL ID today. Problem: Apparently a certificate of registration of birth and a birth certificate are not the same thing. I now need to get a rush request of my birth certificate from NYS. My fault for trusting my mother when she handed me an envelope and said “here’s your birth certificate and social security card;” I didn’t think to unfold it and read the damn document. :frowning:

I then got home to discover that someone tore our barn door off its hinges last night and stole a bunch of stuff from the garage, including my housemate’s bike that was locked to a support post.


Someone contagious was definitely there Friday =( Cuz me toooooo. sobs

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I was the only person in my team working on the weekend so had the heater on every morning, anyone who came into my office complained about the heat (it was about 19C out side but everyone here usually insist on aircon set to 18C all year round)

There’s no rain in the seven day forecast.

I’m tired and I want to go back to bed, but instead I have to parent my child.

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The TV won’t connect to the internet.

Small victory: no one had noticed that the TV wasn’t connected to the internet for a couple of weeks because we don’t use it much.


I still have a cold that I’ve had for like…a week now. And I woke up with a migraine. And had to get a cavity filled this morning. Everything hurts!

No rain makes me happy!

Car didn’t start because battery was dead. Drove my sister’s car which was awful (I’m a spoilt baby, clearly) and had roadside assist out to replace the battery in the afternoon.

Victory: battery lasted 5 solid years.


It’s 4am and the child…she thinks it is playtime.


Dear child:
Go to sleep.


Must be something in the air, Bobbin did that yesterday too. All smiles and sunshine at wayyy too early an hour.

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I will have two complaints please.

  • My kitchen is a GD nightmare, and now there’s additionally a giant hole in the wall (see journal).
  • I spent more than half of what my mortgage costs per month this month on food. Why am I such a bottomless pit? I eat like an eager teenager in a sports program.