Tiny Complaints

It is 70 degrees and sunny today, I am off work, and I have a cold. Boo. Normal me would say “who cares I’m going to do fun things anyway” but I have to work 50 hours this week and it will suck if I am sick. So I am gluing myself to the couch and drinking lots of tea instead of enjoying the beautiful weather.


I will never understand punishing a child for reading or making it such a big deal, sorry you and BK have to deal with this kind of nonsense. Glad he will be in a more supportive school soon and that he’s got a lovely thoughtful parent through all of this.


After 2-3 days OncoDog decided she was done with baby food. But, I am getting her to eat some other food under special circumstance (aka more work for me to prove it is pill-free). Damn smart terriers.


I have 0 motivation today. 0.

I work in the legal sector and spend a lot of my day deep-diving in documents. I’ve been working on healthcare cases for a long while now and am feeling increasingly incensed with the way that medical companies call people “lives”. 24% of lives taking X drug need prior authorization! Z insurance company increased the number of insured lives by 3% in 2016!

I know it’s supposed to actually make people in this industry remember that the people they insure/treat are living people, but guess what – based on everything else I’ve read, it really, really doesn’t. It’s just another bit of manipulative PR jargon.

And yes, this is the pettiest complaint I’ve had in a long, long time. :stuck_out_tongue:


For many years the USCG talked about “souls on board,” but we had to change it to “persons on board,” because asking if all the SOB’s had their flotation on grew embarrassing.

My Fitbit rewarded me for exercising, when in fact I was masturbating. Now my stats are messed up.


I have never wanted a Fitbit before…


POB also sounds pretty funny to say out loud tho.

Also, masturbation is exercise! Sort of. It definitely raises your heart rate.


Several bookings at the airbnb I manage cancelled. Now instead of a fully booked month we have a vacant 10 days. I don’t like it.

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I took some of my old shoes to MOM’s (the local organic grocery chain) for recycling as @Clare-Dragonfly recommended, but the bin was full!


That happens to me all the time!

I was finally going to go bra shopping, but it’s Easter and the store is closed.

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OH no! I guess it’s a good thing I don’t own a fitbit? :grimacing:

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You would probably kill it in fitbit regardless due to all the puppers walking. When in doubt, blame the puppers.


You should have seen me with a kitty client this morning. He was soooo playful. I basically did 100s of burpees in order to waggle toys from under a chair at him and then pop up over the table (his favorite thing). Oh I love my fuzzy clients!

Also the Crossfit and the masterbation/fornication. Probs no FitBit for me. :upside_down_face:


I’ve added in dumbbell snatches and I have to shift my Fitbit up my wrist every time. So it would be mega annoying at CrossFit I bet.

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Yeah I can’t even imagine.
I’m a no jewelry person (I wear earrings) and have broken every anything I’ve tried to wear to the gym.
I’m also a bull in a china shop, much to the dismay of my co-workers at day job (did you just run into the filing cabinet again.…?)

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Same. The only place I’m graceful on is frozen water. I get attacked by stable, non-moving pieces of furniture in my own home daily.

Right?! Why does furniture have to be like that.
*mine is literally all against the wall with big open space in the middle of each room. No coffee tables for me, imma moose.

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Sick - fever and chills, nausea, bloating, GI cramps, and typical urgent end product of cramps. I had lunch out yesterday - coincidence??


Oh no! How miserable. I hope it goes away quickly.

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