Tiny Complaints

Phone service and internet have been down all day. Phone company says they will try to fix it by 07/31 :unamused: :unamused:…internet lied and said it would be up hours ago, still broken. I’m borrowing wisps of the neighbors internet but it’s really spotty and keeps going down. Living alone and having zero way to contact people is so unsettling


Husband cut off all the stalks from the garlic before I could braid them. Now we can’t hang it in the doorway to keep vampires away.


Duct tape?

Having to make yet another username and password for yet another website to buy one thing but I can’t find it anywhere else. I don’t expect to use this website again after today. If I could pay an extra $5 to make the same purchase without making a username/password, I would.


Do you use a password manager? It at least would populate the password for ya. But yeah I hate that. Just let me check out as guest!!!


I had a cd for 11 months which got me $995.15 interest. (Yay!) The same amount of money in my standard savings account for the same amount of time got me $2.10. I asked the banker what my actual interest rate is and it’s .001%. Ridiculous. I just opened a new cd with more money in it.


Ew! I bank with Chase (also ew just generally), and I keep the vast majority of my savings at Ally. I only keep rolling expenses + a slight buffer in my actual checking account. The Chase savings account interest rate is 0.01%, so I guess it’s higher than yours :joy:

I’m considering just using the Vanguard money market fund once my CDs with them are mature. The current return on that is > 5%.


Oh yeah, you’re making the big interest! :rofl:

I should look into a HYSA but just never have and I’m old and set in my ways. I have a coworker who keeps telling me to do one.

My banker today told me that they have a money market account that pays about 5% right now but you need 25k in it. I don’t have that now after opening the new cd, but maybe I should just do that after it matures? Fewer things to keep track of that way…


I have these Thai pants that I love for wearing at home; they are single size and you wrap the cords from the back to tie at the front. Well, this week I dropped a cord in the toilet after I had peed, twice. At least it was just pee…


When am I going to learn that tequila and I are not friends?

I had ONE margarita. ONE. It wasn’t even that big. And now I am paying for it. And have to go to dance rehearsal and then do physical labor.


Internet is still out. Apparently it will not be fixed until Tuesday…I have never heard of an internet company taking a week to make a repair when there wasn’t a major storm or some sort of other major catastrophe. Totally bizarre and sucks so much since I work from home


That stinks! The only time I heard of that happening, some equipment for one region broke in a major way and it was pandemic supply chain issue days.


Contact some local authority or the FCC?

I am thinking that they owe you a free month!

I over optimized for a clean fridge before flying out.

We still have 2.5 days

There are 2 oranges, 3 apples, a small end butt of cabbage, a spring of cilantro, half an avocado, half a tub of yogurt, and a few eggs. Plus one meal of leftover fried rice.


I bought a (v cheap) jumpsuit on the Internet (not my best decision). I need like 1000% more boobs to fit the top, even though the waist barely fits over my hips.

My real tiny complaint is that it SEEMS like it should be easy to fix by tucking a few places where the top meets the waist, but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to do it.


Do you mean like sewing darts? :slight_smile:

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Not darts, unfortunately. The way it’s constructed I think I’ll have to actually rip out the entire waist seam. The top is two pieces shaped like dramatic bow ties, lol, one over each shoulder. They overlap across the front, back, and sides, but I feel like they’re shaped in such a way that I’ll always have weird gapping.


Pest control came which is good but now I have a sore throat from the spray. Time to run errands out of the house!


Poop! :frowning:


Elastic? Any chance that would work? Like making smocking / mimicking a tube top.