Tiny Complaints

I wasted $20 I can’t get back buying non-refundable train tickets I ended up not needing because I jumped the gun. Not the only thing I have spent money on this year and not used.


Omg, are you human?!?!?!

Me too.

Humans aren’t perfect, but you’re as close as they come.

I’m glad it was only $20.


Awwwww……hahahaa! But I try really hard not to do stuff like that because it all adds up!

But if only I was more patient!

Not that other people on this forum don’t have this same problem of feeling guilty over $20, $50, $100. #everyone except anomalily


Oh, I have MANY thoughts on this. Fuck this asshole who thinks women should stay in violent marriages. Fuck him so hard. SIDEWAYS.


I got useful information about Kiddo’s upcoming school schedule (when Meet the Teacher is) because I’m on the volunteer email list. My TC is that this information should go out to all parents, not the female-skewed volunteer group. (Also a broader TC about societal norms not being as SAHD-friendly.)


Happened to me twice with jumping the gun with cancelling flights. Once at the beginning of the pandemic where once I had decided not to go to a wedding (which ended up cancelled anyway), I was charged a $100 cancellation fee but if I had waited it would have been waived!

And then recently Marmalade wasn’t going to go with me to see my sister, so I cancelled with $60 fee (taken out of the airline credit refund). But there ended up being a snowstorm and they would have offered free cancellation!

My new lesson is to wait until the last minute if the penalty is the same. I love checking stuff off my list but not if it can cost me a lot of money to be too efficient about it!


I am a complainy kitten today :woman_shrugging:t2:

I am all set to steam clean the carpet. I can’t find a vital plastic triangle.

A quote that might or might not be relevant.

Yesterday was chaos because there were no straws for smoothies. I explain that all the straw cleaners disappear and so we can’t use straws until I buy another straw cleaner

“They don’t disappear they get made into things” presumably the triangle is made into something


I bought concrete brick, over 3 different occasions, from Lowe’s for our front retaining wall. They all came from the same bay and were the same price. The last batch and the new batch were within a week of each other.

There are 3 or MORE configurations of the stamped “brick” image on the front. Some have 3, most have 4. Some have the skinny log brik on the left side, some on the right. So, I will need to use the BACK of these bricks so they all look the same. Same price, same store, same location in the garden center. 3 or > different “styles.”

Gee… THANKS! :rage:

DH said, "That’s so it looks different when you have a bigger wall. The bricks don’t all look the same, right?

Just looks sloppy here.


I forgot to set the coffee maker for the morning and I’m in bed.

Get up early, or leave cozy bed?



follow up complaint.

I waited till morning.

Got up, went downstairs, dumped out the old grounds, replaced with new grounds, turned on the coffee.

went to pour a few minutes later, wondered why there wasn’t enough coffee… then I dumped out yesterday’s coffee, filled the carafe, and turned it back on, to actually make the coffee this time.


:coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
To help with the fog brain, next time…

My usual fog brain… water everywhere because I forget to put the carafe back where it needs to go. Your version is at least neater!


Me: trying to make coffee last week :woman_facepalming:


A couple weeks ago I ran a pot of coffee, not remembering that there was already a three-quarter pot from the day before that hadn’t ended up drank because we got all shuffled. And so I ended up with coffee running all over my floor and cabinets. Solidarity.


The cucumbers I prepped for my afternoon snack this week went bad but I’m still hungry, so I’m just eating my hummus with a spoon.


A friends colon cancer has spread to her lungs is considered untreatable now. She’s my age (35) and has a 4.5 year old and a 2 year old. Fuck.

ETA I was wrong she’s even younger than me like 31?


That is immediately upgraded beyond Tiny Complaints. I am so so sorry. Colon cancer is terrifying me lately


Same. It feels like it’s circling in for me. My brother recently lost a friend from high school to it and a friend of my moms, her DIL was just diagnosed with stage 4. So not just colon cancer but advanced colon cancer. Stressing me TF out and feels so helpless. I keep thinking about all these young kids being left without moms and just :weary:


I keep reading about how it’s hitting younger folks so hard now. And yeah, what tf are we even supposed to do? Screenings aren’t even covered til later in life unless you have a family history or other issues???


RIGHT I recently asked my PCP cuz I have an ibs history and she was like “well check when you turn 40 or if you have any current concerning symptoms”


Okay actual TC in the face of all that- I’ve almost entirely lost my voice. I can only speak in a raspy little whisper. Works SUPER WELL with a busy and inattentive 4 year old :roll_eyes: