My symptoms were medium cold bad for 1.5 days, physically I’m fine.
My symptoms were medium cold bad for 1.5 days, physically I’m fine.
Oh I hate that stage, because it’s never anywhere close to the “I’m no longer testing positive for COVID” stage (at least in my experience) or the “I walked 10 steps without getting winded” stage.
It was the woooorst, I felt fine after a few days other than a little snot but that goddamned pink line stayed there for over 2 weeks.
Ours is I think $170/month? Boyfriend is in charge of it it but that sounds about right.
All insurance here is very expensive. Lots of uninsured drivers, lots of theft, your car can flood if you don’t pay attention to where you park it. Honestly all insurance here is a total shitshow.
I video’ed our guest bath for hurricane season insurance purposes. The mirror caught my shirt that has profanity written on it.
I should proooooobably redo the video. Whoops
Why on earth would they care?
I PROMISE you, your adjuster and investigator will just be happy you have video.
Neighbors’ dog (Fergus) got loose and (play?) attacked another dog getting walked by owners. I heard the attacked dog keening - so grabbed a leash, an owner got there just a bit after me.
Having a bunch of new people show up kind of distracted Fergus, who was eventually controlled by the other owner, leashed and led inside.
The attacked dog seems to be okay (giant chocolate lab), but was scared. One of his owner’s had a telescoping walking pole (which came apart at one point) and they were hitting Fergus during the attack but Fergus was undeterred.
Fergus is generally a nice dog, but it turns but this is their second encounter. This brought back bad memories of my dogs getting attacked.
Neighbors will be putting another latch on their gate - Fergus has figured out how to rattle it open.
Because my shirt says Fuck You You Fucking Fuck in big letters?
If you re-record you’ll deprive then of a fun anecdote for the water cooler (or Slack channel, whatever).
OR you could submit that video and bring the person watching it some joy. I know I would love to see that (and like I’m weird, but I don’t think this is one of my weirdnesses).
“We WERE going to pay for her to reconstruct her home but just LOOK at all those F-bombs! No ma’am!” {clutches pearls}
Are both incidents documented officially?
I am not a dog person and a second incident makes me concerned even with another latch
I don’t think any official office was notified. The lab’s owners now know where Fergus and owners live. Fergus’s mom tried to give them her number, in case injuries were discovered later, but the guy said “I don’t need your number, I know where you live.”
I think Fergus is also going to get some more training. They have done a lot of training with him, and he is much improved, but still over-excitable at times. His has had calm interactions with other dogs.
Getting attacked is scary, it happened to my dogs too many times.
Daisy the dog wakes and starts whining for breakfast as soon as it’s light outside. It’s almost solstice so that means she wakes me up at 5 every day. I don’t like it at all.
We attempted to let the kitties sleep with us last night, but they continued their streak of being bad kitties when the lights turn out. I just want to have a warm cat sleep on my feet again!
Liz is not sorry.
But she’s cute!
I left work because I need a break. There is an accident on the highway and I thought I would take an alternative route which is now slower than if I stayed in the highway. I’m very annoyed and feel like I made a huge mistake and am mad at myself.
And another complaint - FU CRA!! I have to redo more stuff for my audit. They don’t accept that I only drove my car for my job. Hello I use my bike and SO’s car because he hasn’t worked in that year!!!
Now I get to call them about that.