Tiny Complaints

Yet again, proved ineptitude? Tried to take down 2 shelves DH and I had decided were going … found the right type of bit, seemed to fit. Nah, doesn’t work. Now I can’t get the tip out of the insert I put it in, can’t get it to move?

Every “lady boomer” nerve in me is saying, again, "See? You’re a girl and girls shouldn’t try and use real tools… Always pissed me off.

Of course, I tried to sign up for shop and they wouldn’t let me, 7-8th grade and sophmore thru senior year of high school… it was for boys…



does your local community college have a homeowners course? (I did take shop in grade 7 & 8, but it only taught band saws and planes and sanding, not use of power drills)

It gave me a lot more confidence, even if I have forgotten most of what we covered, I know that I have put in drywall patches and mudded interior and exterior corners.


I’ll also plug “safe and sound” a home and apartment repair how to book!




I cooked and now dirty dishes appeared in the kitchen. Also we wore clothes today so now there’s more laundry. Rude.


I don’t think they even have shop any more unless you go to the tech school.


DH got the bit out. Said it was tricky AND he has pieces which use 3 or 4 different mating/decoupling techniques… said he’d make sure to show me how. No eye rolling, just – okay, I need to show you how this works.

Thanks darling – I hate feeling like a moron!


I really want to read the Bridgerton thread but I haven’t made the time to watch the latest Bridgerton.


It’s just the first half, so maybe you can watch the first and second half together. When does your school year end, to give you more breathing space in your day?


This is 100% a Me Thing, but it drives me bonkers when people ask me questions that imply that I should know the answer to something when it’s not something I know off the top of my head and there’s no reason to assume I do. (In a personal setting, not when I’m working at a reference desk in a library or something)

To me there’s a world of difference between “What time does Home Depot close?” and “Do you know what time Home Depot closes?” Maybe most people read that as essentially the same question. But to me “What time does Home Depot close?” implies that the person asking either expects I know the answer already (when Home Depot is not a store I go to regularly) or that I will do the work to find it out for them. “Do you know what time Home Depot closes?” to me acknowledges that that piece of information is not something that should be in my head, but that the person is checking with me on the off chance that I happen to know it. And then if I don’t know the info, it gives me the opportunity to offer to look it up for them but it is not expected.

I recognize that I am bringing a whole lot of personal baggage to the way a question is phrased. It’s probably connected to childhood crap and me not wanting to be seen as wrong/unprepared. And maybe I’m just picky about language. (I also don’t like it when people say “I want” or “I’ll have” at a restaurant instead of “I would like”)

Also I am kind of grumpy today. I’m sure you can’t tell.


Oh yes. And I always think “you have a.computer / smart phone. Use it”

In fact they usually come from sitting at their computer to ask me.


I submitted a form to Vanguard a month ago (May 6th) that should have taken 3-5 business days, and they still haven’t processed it. I’ve emailed twice, called in-person, and everyone has assured me that it’s been “marked as a priority”.

Did I do something wrong? Why is this taking so long? No one knows, apparently.

ETA - I see I posted about this two weeks ago, haha. Same form still! Definitely not anyone’s priority.


Cameras-on all hands meeting including dumb games and contests to see who has the best Teams background :roll_eyes:. Can I just do my job like an adult please? I hate this shit so much



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A bit of a double edged sword style complaint today because I definitely need the money after taking nearly three weeks off from my second job (dog walking/pet care) but the influx of requests I’ve received since I returned about a week ago is really really overwhelming.

Like a 30% increase or so? Trying not to burn myself out yet make the :dollar: because WOW I NEED THE :dollar:.


Bro bro bro. They’re making us take an improv class at our next in person all hands (in two weeks). I’m absolutely livid.

Like, JUST LET US DO OUR JOBS, exactly.


Was supposed to rain. Did not rain.


Rearranged my work schedule to be ready for long days next week (normal for the stage of the project we’re on), based on info from various managers/project leads who own coordination. Just got a message that they magically got everything together today, want to start tonight, and can I clear my schedule from now through the weekend?

No, and I’m not asking anyone on my team to do so either. I don’t really care if random managers want to communicate what they consider ‘safe’ dates to upper management so they can pat themselves on the back for ‘early’ finishes later, but if they deliberately give the engineering team a schedule they know is wrong, they get to deal with not having support when they need it. I have no idea why I keep having to make this point.


Good for you for guarding your time and your teams time.


Please have some our rain!



Just leave us aloneeeee