Tiny Complaints

I took a swig of my can of seltzer. Realized there was something in my mouth that was NOT seltzer. It was a half dead fly.


Ewwwwww you win.


Google’s trying to push AI when I search for stuff. Do not want!


For some reason my ass is dragging today.

It can’t be because I was up half the night reading. It must be something else. Maybe a planet is in retrograde?


:unamused: :unamused: :unamused:


At what point do you all just become hobbits and live underground to escape the day star?


I think the appropriate answer to that question is “last week”.


It does feel like we live underground in the summer, curtains closed and everything shut. The 5am wake ups to exercise outside have started and I am not a fan :unamused: but at least it’s still in the 60s overnight instead of the 90s!


60s at night is nice. We’re in the 70s over night and 90s during the day plus humidity. When I went to let the dog out this morning the window was covered in condensation and the sun wasn’t even up yet. I might go for walks early but usually go to a gym. Yard work must happen as early as possible and finish before 11am.


Oh yeah, the humidity is what gets you. It’s coming for us, but won’t show up until monsoon. I wouldn’t mind a few clouds though, that’s what really gives me the summer SADs, like…do we need THIS much sun?


Dead crow in the backyard.


My deal with DH is that I will go biking with him more often, but he has to come swimming with me on occasion.

Family memberships at the “local” (an hour away) Y are $ 984/year or $82/month. We could get away with 3 months worth, but I will swim year round, if I can find a pool. The local rehab center, where I used to swim no longer has a program. The local hospital has an endless pool and I hate them, I’m a lap swimmer and a person who fights things. Put me in a current and I will nearly drown trying to get through it. I don’t think about it, it’s just the auto response of someone who panics quickly and was taught to swim at 3 so I could fight the local riptides (1/2 block from my home). So… endless pools don’t work well for me.

There used to be something called the “Swimmer’s Yellow Pages” where pools were listed with fees and hours – online. Can’t find that either.

That’s where I found a local hotel who’d let you swim before 8 a.m., years ago.


You can try seeing if your area has anyone listed on the swimply app. Or just call around to the hotels nearby that have a pool in case they will do day passes/season passes. I know the best western near us does a summer swim.

Fingers crossed! Being able to swim is so nice.


our local gym lets people use guest passes just to access the pools- maybe check if you can do drop ins anywhere? its $16 so depending on how often you’d want to go, could be a cheaper option.


After this, DH reminded me we’d missed joining the pool at the hotel over the hill last year, because we were broke. Unless they’re booked up, that’s where I’ll go, it’s way cheaper than the Y and closer too!


Started the clean up around the new bed. The edger broke, again. I will both buy a new handle AND buy another edger. I love the one we had, but it had been my Dad’s, and he died about 40 years ago, and it wasn’t new then. DH had fixed it, yesterday, and said he didn’t know how well it would work? The old handle went into a real long taper into the tool head and he couldn’t easily replicate that… so did a “make-do” repair. Which failed this morning.

So, now I have an agenda this morning. I need to get out of here!

I thought I’d escaped, but I’m definitely sick. Guess I’ll wear a mask at work :frowning:

TV: I don’t have a runny nose?
Associated additional TC: The mucous seems to all live in my forehead, giving me headaches.


I found a probably suitable handle. A new edger is $35? :exploding_head: I was figuring $25

My right eye was hurting and watering like a motherfucker when I got up this morning. Dad drove me to work. It’s eased off now but still very sensitive.


Why did Facebook think I needed to see an ad about how it’s healthy to eat beef uterus?!?