Tiny Complaints

I didn’t do HRT either, because it was all such a nonevent. I’m less cold than I used to be and I’m fine with that.


I am very glad that it was a non-event for you and that you shared that because everything on Facebook targets my demographic and tells us our lives will be ruined. I think some people need additional support and some people don’t so I love hearing that it’s not 100% doom for me!


There’s a type of juice I really like that’s only sold at certain times of the year. Had an extra carton I’ve been saving in the pantry for a few months, just went to put it in the fridge and realized somehow the seal had already been broken and it’s definitely no good anymore :frowning:


Such a bummer. What kind of juice is it?


Apricot juice! Only available around Ramadan so now I have to wait until next March :sob:

Tiny victory is that there’s another Ramadan drink with coconut and mango that’s even tastier and I actually found some still available at the store the other day!


Del monte used to sell big cans of apricot juice. I was common when I was a kid in the 1960s. My dad worked for Del monte and every once in awhile Del monte would sell products to employees at a deep discount.

As a wee pup I thought apricot juice was disgusting (it was kind of thick and had some texture to it).


I had a particularly difficult teenager during those years, and there was plenty to be upset about, but I don’t think it was just my hormones. Lol


I loved apricot nectar! Do they sell it anymore?


Nope - it was their hormones too :rofl:


Seems to be in local stores, including walmart. RW Knudsen makes it, along with other brands (that I haven’t heard from).


Yeah, I suppose. Before this, they gave me testosterone, made me nutz. Gave me estrogen, ditto. Last time a doc brought it up, I told him to keep his paws off my endrocrine system! He put up his hands in an “I surrender” gesture.

After they took my plumbing, doc recommended something because intimacy was rape or nothing. Not acceptable. Later, I researched the drug I was prescribed. Comes with a greater risk of cervical cancer, or at least what they wanted to give me does. That’s what killed MIL. DH nixxed the idea.

I will gladly trade missing the 1 fight a month we had, PMS, cramps, and leaning on my PTSD for orgasms. They’re great, but what came along willy nilly because of my mental illness and body was not. I’m actually far happier than I’ve ever been.

DH is okay with it too, unless he’s sneaking around, and I doubt it. We both work at home, in the same room. There’s not much chance for him stopping on the way home, etc.


This is my tiny complaint - all the fucking menopause FB ads. I am tired of seeing ads for belly fat or brain fog or thinning hair or god knows what else.


Actually, though, I have other tiny complaints. I got bitten by fire ants this morning, and then when I went to put the cats in their porch playpen I found it to be full of dead caterpillars.


I HATE fire ants.


Got into a dumb Facebook fight


Snake. Snake in the pool


Booo! They can sometimes adjust within 24 hours. Or at least reset to 3 months for next time.

Our pharmacy has all my meds staggered so I’m there 3 times in 3 months anyway; but they mysteriously stopped charging our family anything so I’m afraid to question it


We had a fun day. So at 1240am I was hearing about all kinds of facts instead of aleeping. I tried playing squardelle and he helpfully said “it says that’s not a word” and then started swiping 3 letter words. Tried a number game “you’re supposed to read them out when you add them - like this - 2, 4,8, 16, 32, 64 okay now you do it”

Well you’re supposed to fall asleep at 8pm without my help so I can do a chore and watch a show and maybe practice personal hygiene or see my husband.

Also now the kids are asleep and I’m awake


My cat wakes me up at 6-7am every day now that it’s bright early and she’s very annoying and persistent.


I’m sitting on my porch and the birds are being so annoying. I have a ton of stupid Starlings and they’re all swooping in to eat and screaming at each other to get out of the way. Oof they’re loud.