Tiny Complaints

They love me too. :cry:

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We are irresistible!

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I have an idea for a craft project and I want to source everything from what I have in the house already but my house very rudely does not have anything like balsa wood in the size I need or non-pink felt.


Markers maybe?

They had free ice cream sundaes for Mother’s Day at Ravioli’s daycare today and I wasn’t able to go

Why is my husband so LOUD whenever he does ANYTHING

Also, PMS if it wasn’t clear


I would love to know the answer to this too - and the cure ( besides me going deaf)


I would like to know what the fuck the cereal bowls did to my husband personally and why the counters, mere bystanders to breakfast making, must also suffer.

(Currently wearing sound cancelling headphones but I’m not listening to anything on the headphones yet.)

Tangent, all the open floor plans that are so popular now are HGTV’s fault because smashing down walls got more views. Wherever we live next will be much less open floor plan if I can help it.


And get carpeting on all the floors - it absorbs so much noise!

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Trader Joe’s knock off Cinnamon Toast Crunch isn’t nearly as good.


Neither is Aldi’s :frowning: It is sitting sadly in my pantry, and it is family size. At least it was cheap?

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We make a long trek to Lidl once a month or so just because they sell real Cinnamon Toast Crunch for cheap.

One of my all time favourite tv shows, Orphan Black, is coming out with a new series. My complaint is that in order to watch it in Canada I have to be subscribed to AMC, which I have discovered is only available through my cable provider.

Gentle reader, I’ve never had cable in my life.

I didn’t choose the pirate life. The pirate life chose me, me hearties.


My benefits enrollment at my new job is messed up, so normally I’d talk to the benefits enrollment person.

My new role is benefits enrollment person.


I’m hanging out in a random lounge waiting for the final leg of my flight home, and the pasta is exceedingly incorrect.


You can get AMC/AMC+ through apple tv and prime tv. Both of which I have free trials to. Neither shows orphan black echo/s/es so it may be impossible and a lie. Usually they are happy to show me shows that cost extra

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The first episode comes out later this month.

I have a plan.


I was talking to a person in Marketing about the initiative that I had handed off to the business team’s project manager in November. She’s frustrated because he’s asking for Marketing to send out some emails in June, but he hasn’t given her any of the core messages so they can write the emails - and he seems to think they’re asking him for the copy, when of course that is their specialty and they don’t want him to try to write anything.

I told her a bit about what the messaging should be around, since we did $$$ research in the summer to understand the barriers to engaging with this service that they’re promoting with this new initiative. Marketing’s mind was blown about the depth of info she had to work with - all grounded in human stories. And I reached out to the PM to mention perhaps I could help with this point.

He replied that he hadn’t considered that the research could be leveraged for the marketing messages.

WTF did he think research was good for? Why did I spend my summer talking to people and my fall writing the deck?


I have a Tegaderm bandage on my new tattoo and it looks and feels super gross.
It’s in the middle of my back and it feels extra gross if I stretch so now my back hurts - not from the tattoo but from lack of stretching.


We had more layoffs today

