Tiny Complaints

In news that is totally not 100% foreseeable and my fault, I procrastinated booking a vacation and now the thing I want to do is sold out on the days I want to do it.

It’s a self guided walking tour of Scotland and my two options (do a different route or go later in the summer) are both fine, I’m just very annoyed at myself.


tell more? I’m in Scotland for a few days in August and have not filled the itinerary yet. (aka, procrastination)


Oh no. Hope you aren’t feeling too itchy.


I wanted to walk across Scotland on the great glen way, and there are tour companies that book your accommodations and move your bags from place to place (and sometimes ferry you around a bit too), but they’re booked out until mid-June for that trip. We decided to do the Fife coast instead, because doing it in June bumps up against July 4th, and then in august we have a family trip to Baxter state park and my sister starts a postdoc in September and doesn’t want to take a bunch of time off.

I’m not sure if it’s the best fit for you? The shortest trips are 3-4 days. But if you want to check it out we ended up booking Hill Tours, and family friends have also done Wild Rover.


Not anymore, thanks to Claritin! Still unpleasant though, especially the ones ON MY PALMS.


Oh that’s a special kind of hell.


How far do you hike / walk each day?


yeah, maybe not the right trip for us given the other bits that are already scheduled. We’ve talked about doing a similar type bike trek with companies that move luggage from place to place, but it isn’t the next two years.


Between 8-20 miles depending on the route and how difficult you decided to go. I think our longest day is 14 miles.

I’m a little nervous honestly but I’m excited to try it!


I felt really sick last night and to distract myself put in an episode of a show I love that I’d fallen behind on.

BAM, major character violently killed off in a hate crime. He was one of my favorites too. So much for escapism.


I’m assigned WAY too much testing today, and half of it has been reassigned twice already (person A, then person B, and now me). Because I have so much more available time than everyone else who didn’t have time to test it???

And it’s all overdue already, even though I was literally assigned it like 20 minutes ago.


Husband if you read the Parent Handbook before the teacher meet and greet, you would have the answer to every question you asked the teacher



Sibling is a teacher. This complaint comes up a lot :slight_smile:


Luckily I could help the teacher out by saying, “that’s in the handbook” every time lol


The Fife coastal path is gorgeous with lots of beautiful little villages and no midges. There is a good chance that the great glen will be swarming with the little blighters in June/July!


Is that why it’s fully booked up in May? I assumed it would be on the cold side and not as popular but I was wrong!


Leaving shortly for next part of sabbatical, and cat is (hopefully just) trolling me. He didn’t eat a much yesterday/this morning and the cat sitter said his appetite was on and off while I was gone, and since his breath was pretty bad when he jumped onto my shoulder, we made a quick trip to the emergency vet (very bad breath was a sign of mouth sores in his brother when his kidneys took a turn for the worst so I’m a little paranoid). According to them it’s just gingivitis getting to the point where we should do something about it, though, and since there’s already a dental appointment on the calendar for when I’m back, there’s nothing to do.

Oh, and the appetite is him ‘being a cat’ which might actually be true because we got home and he went to his dish and started eating.

ETA: Cat, you are not helping my stress levels here.


My boss just threw a giant project on me at 2pm, that has to be done by the end of the day. She promptly went to “away” status and stopped answering texts, and anyone else who can help has already left for the day. Oh yeah, and it’s not even for my customer/area of responsibility, and an engineer who makes 3x my salary could have easily done it but is just being lazy under the guise of “I couldn’t get it to work” I hate it all :exploding_head:


F them all with knobs on it.


Oh, fuuuuuuck that sideways. She sucks.