Tiny Complaints

I seemed to have put my phone in the same pocket as my binoculars at one point during our 3 hour walk through the bird sanctuary this afternoon. Now the phone cover is scratched and I need to replace it.

Small tv, I bought a box with 2 glass covers, and the shadowy one was able to find it.


Some of our gardening gloves leave my hands with a stinky smell even after I wash my hands. Of course they’re the gloves that fit my hands best.


The show I went to last night was supposed to start at 10:30, which is already SUPER late for me. It did not start until 11:30. Got to bed at 2 a.m., then had to drag my carcass to dance rehearsal which was hard. (The rehearsal, but also the carcass-dragging)

I’m exhausted but I have no food made so instead of napping I am cooking.
I am supposed to go to another late show tonight to support a friend but I don’t know if I’m gonna make it.

TV: Last night’s show was really good and I’m glad I got to see it.


Trying to reach Home Depot’s rental department on a sunny Saturday in March. :rage:


On Easter weekend, no less. May the odds be ever in your favor. :heart:


COVID exposure 3 days before I’m supposed to travel :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


The empty lot next to me sold. The people who bought it are really nice and will be good neighbors, they keep their house and yard up well. I would still prefer it to be empty.


Oven igniter is out again. Landlord is on spring break with kids. No oven for a week! At least the broiler and stove top work? Ugh. This would not be an issue with an electric oven.


Also, I’m thinking I need to buy a zero water filter. Reading a lot about lead in Chicago’s water. But I just re-upped on brita filters :roll_eyes:

Also also, I’m out of frozen breakfast burritos and the tortillas are bad.


Landlord can hire an appliance repair person from anywhere in the world. They need to fix this, you pay for the use of a functioning home.


It could be. My oven heating element burned out once - different part, same effect. Sorry you don’t have a functional oven.


It’s definitely the igniter, it’s happened twice before.

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I know he really should but he’s lazy…I’ll ask DH to apply some pressure


I don’t know if this would be an option for you, but when I rented and had a really hands-off landlord, I’d usually tell him what was broken and ask him if he just wanted me to contact a repair person, have them fix it, pay them, and deduct what it cost from next month’s rent. He was all over that and it was easier for me than having him play middleman, so it was a win-win.


I am not sure if this is still going on, but you used to be able to get your lead tested by the city and if it’s high, the city provides you with the zero water pitcher/filter.
Might’ve been a covid thing? Not sure. But worth looking into.


We have a zero water filter (but only for use in our humidifiers), and we run through a filter in 3 weeks (with only using it for humidifiers). It’s not like Brita where you can keep using the filters - once the filter gets to a certain point, something within it breaks down and makes the water fishy-tasting. We have super hard water (tds in the ~500 range) so yours may last longer.


I have no focus and I need focus.


I used to have a co-worker who was so bad I had a nickname for her that involved the c-word which I almost never use. She was that bad.

I was so excited when she quit around 5 years ago - I came back from a week’s vacation and saw the goodbye email. That was the best return to work EVER.

Welp. Just discovered today that she left a pile of shit in her wake. She did not follow procedure for archiving files, and now there is a mess that we have to try and sort out. That pile of shit has been smoldering for 5 years and now is on fire.



Oh no! I had a coworker like that but his stuff was discovered in six months. I can’t imagine five years.

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My brain is made of mush today and work is hard.