Tiny Complaints

I need to reference one state’s tax return to get the appropriate tax credit on a second state’s return, and every single tax prep software I’ve ever used* makes me click all the way through to the very last step, including entering my bank info and driver’s license for the incomplete second state, before they will show me the draft PDF I need.

*This includes former years with TurboTax and H&R Block, and my current software FreeTaxUSA which I am otherwise happy with.


Recently I’ve been inundated with credit card offers from a specific company. Normally I wouldn’t care, that’s what the recycling bin is for, but I had the card they’re offering up until I did my last review, noted that it wasn’t worth the annual fee, and when I contacted them they were very clear that they weren’t interested in offering anything to keep my business. It’s probably some kind of accounting I don’t understand, but why companies are willing to offer hundreds if not thousands in incentives to sign up a new customer but will do nothing to retain an existing one totally escapes me.


I go to dance rehearsal for my krewe every Saturday. Rehearsals have been easy lately to the point of being a little dull. The ONE rehearsal I had to miss, today, they learned a TON of really hard stuff. I’m watching the videos they sent out for us to practice to and :exploding_head: . I cannot get my head around putting these feet with those arms with those hips. I’m usually pretty good at picking up choreography but I practiced 2 sets of 8 counts over and over again for half an hour and I still don’t know what the hell she’s doing with her arms.

I wish I had skipped last week and come this week instead but I didn’t want to miss the Holi festival.


I broke my phone and it’s unusable and Mr Darling is gone with the car. Every place that I could get help from I’d either need to call, or I need to 2FA to get into (fuck you apple).

I can’t work tomorrow too, unless there’s a 2FA workaround I don’t know about, but that’s work’s problem I guess.


Bro’s truck didn’t start this morning.


Tiny complaint here :raising_hand_man:t3:
It’s 8:11am which means I have to go to work in 49 minutes. “Go to work” simply means get dressed and walk 15ft to my office since I work from home at my day job - I’m quite privileged in this sense.

However. I’d rather be kicked in the face than go to my job today. I just want to do my projects, work my other job, and take little 5 minute breaks to put my face up to the sun. Is that so much to ask?! :tired_face:

Ok whining done, I’ll go put on pants.


My kid texted to tell me that Daisy started the day by puking up a rock.




It’s not out of character for that bozo.

Better out than in!


Any possibility of moving your laptop to a sunny spot on your porch?


I would like my work out pants to have pockets and not fall down when I run. None of the pants I own do both things, which is especially annoying because some of them are new and I thought they fit snugly enough when I got them. Apparently “fit” and “stay up when running for sixty seconds” are two different things.

TC2: I lost my good headphones for a while, finally thought to look under/behind my desk where they got knocked down and found them. I picked them up and put them … somewhere. Dammit.


This is the third week in a row that one of my children is sick. Even with my husband and I doing 50/50, neither of us has worked a full week in 3 weeks. And we’re both completely slammed at work


:roll_eyes: Plus there’s a 10 day pause on the overall ruling, and the decision to not let the Trumps do business in New York was stayed.


I forgot to call the doctor


Getting needle trauma triggered and having to go back for another draw Thursday because this one just didn’t work


Thank you angel. I did that a bit today between calls. It was just a bad day and that’s ok. Almost time for bed and I can try again tomorrow :heart:



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I want chai but I didn’t make chai concentrate


Neighbors’ tree is going. Soon all the ones we loved when we moved in will be gone, and very few people have planted something new (we have century maples on both sides, no way to have anything take root while they’re there)


I have been chased by aggressive geese three times this week at work. So much hissing.