Tiny Complaints

A lifetime ago Mr. Meer worked IT night shift at the hospital and had to talk doctors through some IT issues. Suffice to say it hasn’t helped him feel more confident in the wider medical system when he told someone to restart the computer and he realized that they only turned the monitor off/on.


After working with quite a few doctors, I have come to the conclusion that they are just SO focused on only medical knowledge and their specific job, that they tend to be more absent minded about these kinds of things. Also a lot of them have never even had a job outside of being a doctor, so general office knowledge is pretty low as well haha. Not that it’s an excuse for not knowing how to restart a computer :joy: But I have had very similar experiences in clinic, and they are still wonderful medical providers :joy:


Limited FSA reimbursement is now apparently to a special debit card rather than direct deposit to my checking account. No idea how that’s more convenient for anyone, especially since the charge I’m being reimbursed for at this point is <$20.


Ugh and I thought my FSA’s annual resetting to paper checks from direct deposit at the beginning of the year was annoying. Why would they do that?!? It must cost them more to mail a check than to do a direct deposit.


I had to go to the bank to take a check today, and then tonight I got a check, so I have to do it all again.

(I don’t do anything financial on my phone for security reasons, so no depositing checks with an app for me.)


Ahhhhhh asdflkjahsldfkj my job is such a nightmare :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: :fire: :fire: :fire:

  1. Hail is not an improvement over snow

  2. Finally got the corrected stock form I was expecting and went to submit my taxes, only to realize that the state of Colorado has sent me two charity contribution forms for the same date rather than one for each donation. So now I have to wait for them to send me an updated version for the second…in order for me to send both of them back to the state of Colorado.

ETA 3) I should also go do my actual job, but since we’re coming off 4 weeks of 12+ hour days, I’m not all that motivated.


I had a bitch of a morning. Very stressy. Sick cat, going to be late for lunch date… ran to farm, then market – then home. Window guy was here at 6 to do estimate of replacing most of our windows.

So adrenaline all day long. We had spinach omlettes for dinner. But I am wiped!

Realized I subjected my poor lunch date friend with a long ways from my best self – very ME oriented, very stressed.


That is my complaint! I need to find an off switch and do NOT know one. Yoga supposedly works with PTSD, but I’ve never had any and think the local studio closed (they moved at the very least).


I made a “to do” list this morning. I wrote “Bear Mummy” on it.


I have NO idea what I meant or was thinking about?

Old age is soooo much fun!

Well, I know what that is. I have a tiny “honey bear” that has no honey in it. I reuse rubber bands. When they’re dirty, I put them over the bear. When you can’t see the bear’s face anymore, when it’s a “bear mummy” then I need to wash the rubber bands and put them back where they go afterwards. We carefully open plastic packaging so that we can close it again with rubber bands, rather than using a zip bag or other containers.


I have 9 different things I’m waiting to hear back about from CRA (the Canadian IRS)
All of them have taken several weeks longer than they were supposed to, and all have changed the expected completion date to a big ole ???
One day they’ll all get done and I’ll get a buttload of money, but no one knows when, and I have to keep waiting and checking and waiting and checking.

  1. lungs
  2. humans big and small

Tried the coffee shop near me that I haven’t been to yet, that’s supposed to be great. I found their coffee meh.

The place I really like unfortunately is union busting so I need a new go-to. Pity because I really prefer their coffee. Oh well.


In follow-up: I found out today that this guy no longer works at the company (he did as of Monday when we had a different meeting), i.e. he totally got fired.

I feel slightly guilty because that email could have been the proverbial straw, but also – people don’t get fired for one straw, they get fired for everything else. So guilt is slight, if existent.


I mean…if it’s a known issue that he doesn’t show up for work (sidenote: wtf??), that’s definitely a him problem. Panda verdict: guilt should be nonexistent.


It’s very slight. I figure it’s probably not a bad thing to feel a teeny bit because it keeps me from becoming a total asshole, but also I am not beating myself up over it. Nopeeeee.

And yeah. Overall I’m glad that they finally set a line of “hey, yeah, you have to SHOW UP.”


The resort that Howie and I stayed at in Jamaica sent a follow up “thank you for your visit” email.

The loyalty account is in my name.
I made the reservation.
I paid for the reservation.
The email on file is mine.

The thank you email they sent is addressed to Howie.


Our pediatrician/family doctor is leaving in May :confused: He’s moving to another state to be closer to other family. I REALLY like him.




We have had similar issues. With different last names (in the era when that was NOT normal) when our bank upgraded their software, they removed me from being authorized to do anything on the account, except writing checks. DH had to call them THREE TIMES and elevate the complaint at least once before they finally fixed it.

I had been the 2nd person on the joint account since the day we opened it! :scream_cat: Which was > than 6 years before this occurred.


Of f’ing course!! I would send a formal, almost rude reply.