Tiny Complaints

TC: My noisy-ass upstairs neighbors and their terrible music choices

TV: If we do things right we won’t live here in two months.


It probably doesn’t need to be fixed, but it’s my front tooth and I already chipped a sliver of the bottom off years ago, and now it has a little notch in it that I hate :confused:


It needs to be fixed. It will drive you crazy!

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So…I went to the library to pick up a hold and found a Seanan McGuire book I haven’t read yet.


Oooo, which one?


I am surrounded by morning people


The Innocent Sleep. I know it came out last year, but I forgot about it and hadn’t put it on hold yet. I walked into the library and it was right there in the front on a “New Sci-Fi and fantasy” shelf. I couldn’t resist :blush:


That one was so good! You read Sleep No More first, right? It’s way better if you do.

I’m currently reading Spelunking Through Hell.


There is diet talk alllll over the Internet this morning, why does it keep finding me.


Yes, I did read Sleep No More first, thanks for checking. This would be SUPER confusing otherwise, haha.

I don’t think I’ve read that one yet! Yay :slight_smile:


Projects piling up at work (bad timing, two are taking too long and one is starting too early), and I got saddled with someone on an initiative who is apparently well-known to just not show up to work. Guess who didn’t show up to work today, or let anyone know that he wouldn’t be there, and that therefore we would be delayed on a kinda important thing that requires his presence?

(Yes, I have written an e-mail to my higher-ups about reliable staffing. It is not mean but I also guarantee that I am 100% gonna make one of them cry, which sucks but she has the tender emotional skin of a newborn bebe.)

(the other one will nod and go “yes, good my padawan.”)


My kid fried a perfect potato slice. The seasoning and crispiness were 10/10. He handed it to me and I dropped it. The dogs got it. Such a perfect slice of fried potato will never be again.

Secondary complaint: my hands are extra bad right now and I’m dropping things constantly.


The dogs are happy though….


flashbacks and mean spirited thoughts about her manager.


Daylight Savings Time


Yup. Didn’t drink last night, still feel hungover.

Also, had 2 separate nightmares about large rodents, biting me and also being eviscerated by the cat.

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All of my holds are coming in at once and I’m trying to finish a nonfiction book that I’ve already checked out at least twice? Maybe three times? from the library because it’s loooong and I’m slow at reading nonfiction (and also maybe I read all four of the Ren Faire romances while still working my way through this nonfiction book).


Im fighting with Sunlife because I am being charged $19,000 in capital gains for the trades a fund manager made on US index funds. I’m livid and it’s a battle I will not win and struggle to understand when I have not made any withdrawals from the accounts the funds are in. This is a first world problem, but it hugely deflates me when I have worked hard to invest my money wisely.

This will cause me to pay $5k in taxes this year instead of getting a return, for fees I was not expecting or planning for. My financial advisor friend said in her 14 years in the business she has NEVER seen anyone charged like this without a withdrawal. She also recommended that I contact the fund manager, which I’m going to track down this week.

If any folks here who are experts or can ELIA5 it would be greatly appreciated and I am happy to DM what Sunlife gave me for their explanation.


I wish I could help. That sounds awful.


Rage. A lot of rage is what i have been feeling.

This is on top of an $8,000 tax bill I got (with interest charges) because a few forms were not filled out correctly. I had to get them corrected and resubmitted (so I get to call them tomorrow to let them know I have provided the updated forms) and hopefully they reassess my 2022 tax return again and I get most of the money back.

Apparently if you have a T2200 form, you have to have every box checked even if you answered the question above as no. No I was not employed to do forestry work. So why would I check a box to advise if I bought a chain saw for my work?

That is an actual question I did not answer no so therefore my form was not complete.

And the year of my car was not on my T777 form so that form was not accepted, even though I provided the bill of sale for it. And the mileage was not accurate on the T777 (200 km less) than what was on my travel log document.

And my microwave died this week. LOL