Tiny Complaints

It’s too peopley in the office today


I was also born in 1989 and I bought SO much 1989 TV merch :joy:


Gosh, I would too! That must be super cool to be a Swiftie born in 1989.


I like to think she made the album for me, personally :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You know she did!

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Aldi is in the suburbs. It happens to be in a suburb where a lot of people who commute into New Orleans live; hence, evening rush hour traffic sucks.

This means that when we need to make a weekday Aldi run, we have to wait a good hour and a half after work before we go there or else we’re going to sit in parking-lot traffic.

And, I’m hungry and we’re out of everything. It will be after 8 by the time we get home with groceries.

Additional TC is that the “normal” grocery stores here have gotten to be so horrifically expensive that we really really need to minimize the amount of shopping we are doing there and bite the bullet and shop Aldi instead. It really is significant savings. I’d like it if we only went there for stuff Aldi doesn’t carry, but that never seems to happen because we run out of something perishable.


I have another dying tree to get removed. Bah. I thought I was done spending money on trees.


I forgot to do tooth fairy duty last night :sob:

My kid is so dang cute, he even wrote a note, and I forgot.


Can you put the tooth fairy’s $ in something else like school lunch or daycare bag or carseat or stroller with a note with a reason - collided with a stork and was knocked off course, accident on the highway?


I got lucky! He came to snuggle in bed with us without even looking because he wanted to draw out the suspense :sweat_smile: So I had just enough time to write a note and sneak in his room to get everything done.

Seriously, I woke up at like 6:30 in a panic because I remembered after my alarm went off, and he was in our room by 6:45. So lucky he’s an odd duck who enjoys anticipation.


Delayed gratification at such a young age!


I would like this one stupid meeting out of my life, ugh.

ETA: I would actually like to have the other stupid meeting out of my life, too.


Sticky allergy eyes.

I had a good run - I’ve lived here for 2 years as of Tuesday and it took this long for allergies to really kick in. Probably cleaning up wet moldy plant matter in the backyard isn’t helping.


An extra trash bin appeared at my house, and I can’t figure out how to get rid of it? My trash company (it’s a company here, not government) only has an AI bot and a help FAQ on their website. There is no FAQ for “a random bin appeared in front of my house, can you guys come get it.” Open to ideas and suggestions! I’ll keep clicking around on their website to see if there is a phone number hidden somewhere.

Edit: I figured it out and they are picking it up. My TC is that it took me four days of pondering to chat their AI bot with “representative.”


I have a bunch of books from the library I want to read, but they all got to me at the same time and I’m not sure I’ll have long enough to read all of them.

Some of them are audio books, and some of them are the 2nd or 3rd books in series that I’ve been waiting for, and I’ve read a bunch of books in between, and now I’m all jumbled, haha. I’m reading like 4 books simultaneously right now, if you include reading Holes to my kids at night (which I do, because I have to remember all the voices I made up).


Accidentally took my melatonin when I meant to take my morning pills AGAIN, I swear I need a child safety lock on my pill case because my brain is not functional before 10 AM. This is even after I moved them to a separate location!


I am dizzy (I think I forgot my new meds two days in a row? I blame lack of understanding how time works and also jet lag)

I am back at work today and I don’t want to do it

I need to start applying for jobs seriously


Banana hurts my throat


Oliver head butted me and chipped my front tooth :sob: :sob:


Noooooooooooooooooo :frowning: Will it need a dentist appointment on top of all of the other stuff you magically make time for in your life?