The Unf*ck It Thread

Surprisingly, it is the jeans that I’m breaking up with, not work clothes! I don’t mind slacks at all :slight_smile:


A lot of snacks slacks are very comfortable, it’s true! Mmm, snacks… :cookie:


Things that are fuct in my apartment:

  • Pile of souvenirs from trips to London, NYC, Hawaii are all over my tiny office. Mostly paper in nature - tickets, brochures, playbills. I am not a scrapbook sort of person - in fact we’re in the process of digitizing all our photos so we can dump all our physical photo albums which take up a lot of space. I don’t want to throw them out. I think that I just need to file them away. Problem: have no file folders, can no longer steal file folders from work, do not want to buy a whole pack of file folders when really I need 1 or 2.

  • Our microwave. So filthy!

  • Our dishwasher. The manual says the filter is self-cleaning and shouldn’t be removed. The self-cleaning part, however, is clearly a lie, it is filthy and disgusting and full of crud. But not smelly? I have tried running vinegar through it in case the nasty was mold/mildew. No effect. It also says in the owner’s manual not to use bleach. The crud is all underneath the filter so scrubbing the top of it does nothing. I don’t know what else to try. This would be a bad time to go without a dishwasher if we break it, as we are not letting repair people in the house unless it’s a dire emergency and we are generating a ridiculous amount of dirty dishes right now and both hate handwashing.

  • All fridge shelves need to be scrubbed and mystery smell needs to be identified. I thought it was the package of pork that leaked, but that wasn’t it.

Things that are unfuct or in the process of being unfuct:

  • Our basement storage, mostly. So glad we started tossing stuff, since when our building was sold we lost like 90 percent of our storage space.
  • My scary office closet. It still has more packing material than I would like, but as I’m likely getting a new work mac and will need to ship the old one back to the east coast, it’s probably a need.
  • I am in the process of trying on all of the bottoms in my closet and getting rid of anything that doesn’t fit. Surprisingly, though, so far everything still fits, even the stuff that I have not put on since last summer when I was definitely thinner?

This biggest thing I can think is- check if your soap is recommended for your level of water hardness. If you have hard water, use less soap. I’m not sure if chelating cleansers are a thing for dishwashers but if not they should be. Hard water and soap = soap scum film.
Second thing is be sure you’re rinsing your dishes well before they go in.


They make dishwasher cleaner, which is like a pod that you run through a regular cycle in an empty load. I don’t if it really does anything but it smells nice.


I have a memento box (and, separately, a cards box…bday cards, xmas cards…). Many of the mementos are paper (tickets, playbills, notes, cute photo with HS sweetheart) but a few are trinkets (a handmade candle, keychains, etc). Everything is contained and well protected and easy to add to (unlike scrapbook). Sometimes I go through to reminisce and realize a particular thing is no longer sentimental, then I chuck it.


My mum is coming over 2 days a week for 6 weeks over January/February to help me un :duck: my house.

Meanwhile, our recycling bin just got emptied so we can do a bit of un :duck: ing by filling it again.


Oh dear, I need this thread. I wish I’d taken before photos, my house was honestly a pig sty. I moved a lot of stuff upstairs in prep for the new shelves in the store room which were bought yesterday. Now I have to sort through the bazillion containers and move them all down to the store room.


I created a document titled “2022 goals” and on it I wrote “basement.”

That counts, right?


That’s a big goal


I have a mementoes bin. But it is full. And I committed that I would not have more than one mementoes bin.


OK this thread inspired me to keep addressing the stupid bookshelf.

I went through the pile of trash to determine real trash from important items that cannot get thrown away.

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Editing to reinforce in my brain that this process is great:

  1. I found pictures of meowlet i can now gift to relatives
  2. i found my passport
  3. i found a cool leather portfolio thing i can use for work

Bigger bin.


We’re trying to lower our overall footprint though in prep for moving… really what I probably should do is go through the bin and see if anything can be tossed.


But it takes it out of my brain for 2021.


The cabinet I ordered for the kitchen has arrived and is being assembled!

That means that the coffee related stuff can shift into that, and many of the mugs, and we will have cabinet space available.

Interestingly Amazon said it would take 2 weeks for this to ship, and it was only 5 days.


Oh, here are more of my people. Honestly so much needs un :duck: ing in this house that I could not honestly list them all. I have ADHD and a toddler. My husband is neat but over the 19 years of our relationship I’m finally wearing him down… :joy:.

At some point I will return with some action in mind because this is something I really want to make a start on no matter how small. Just glad to know you’re all here getting your :duck: on.


How did it go @gardeningandgreen?

This is a brilliant idea and I’m going to start a 2022 list and move shit onto it.


From Tuesday. Shuffling has been made but I’ve also had 8 painting projects going on since Christmas with 2 still in progress so now there’s a large shelf propoed vertically in the middle of all of this. Doorframe on the far left is my kitchen, door is the storage closet, doorframe on the right is my “walk in” closet/“office” all in one.


Off frame to the left are my (loft) bed and couch perpendicular to each other and that’s really all the space there is in here.
Highlights of this include: Why is the stain remover and glass cleaner piled here when they have a crate 2 feet over in the closet? Magazines and sewing patterns stacked on top of the bookshelf. That pink thing is really, really heavy. I don’t even know what’s in it, I haven’t opened it since moving in september but I think it’s mostly art paper pads and other craft things. why is the empty wire rack there instead of being a shelf, its supposed to be for office supply things. Similarly, those storage pockets hanging from the door also barely have any items in them. That black garbage bas is surrounding all of my gardening supplies including a bag of literal soil (I don’t currently have plants that are alive anymore!) The wooden nightstand isn’t actually supposed to go there. Random swiffer duster sheet flung on the ground like a leaf in the wind.