I’ve long wanted to put together a big battle between all the many, many budgeting apps out there! While I’ve tried a ton of them myself, I really want to get perspective from some of the folks in the OMD community try them, too. That way we can compare based on lifestyles, brain types, locations, etc.
For Summer of Funds 2021 I’m announcing the first annual MONEY APP OLYMPIC GAMES
I went back and forth on how to do this, and ended up deciding the best method would be to
- have people sign up to test budgeting apps - just comment below which apps you’d like to try and I’ll add you to this spreadsheet
- have them fill in a super simple google form explaining their experience with the app - HERE IS THE FORM: https://forms.gle/R9TR9NF5snaQzWFC6
- I’ll collate all the info into a big blog post with fun graphics for budgetober
- you get a forum badge as an official App Games Judge
- I’ll also send you a bunch of stickers as a thank you for your help (anywhere in the world)
We will award the apps a Gold
or Bronze
- If you already use an app regularly and are willing to fill in a form singing its praises or complaining about it, feel free to sign up as a “tester”.
- We can have multiple testers for different apps!
- Did I miss an app you want to try/love? Let me know!
The App-thletes 
App/Website | Type of App | Compatible OSes | Other Notes | Testers |
Mvelopes | Budgeting | Web, iOS, Android | Free 30-day Trial, Costs after that |
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Fortune City | Budgeting RPG | iOS, Android | Free | @anomalily @Clare-Dragonfly @kajellio |
/Tab | Splitting Expenses | iOS, Android | Free | @aaronpk |
Splitwise | Splitting expenses | Web, iOS, Android | Free | @beep_boop |
Mint.com | Budgeting | Web, iOS, Android | Free | @kenner @galliver @beep_boop @diapasoun @iualia @Bracken_Joy |
Tiller | Budgeting and Investing Dashboard | Web | 30 Day Free Trial, Costs after that, free for students - Must have google account; Runs in Google Sheets | @anomalily @iualia @Ferngully |
Personal Capital | Budgeting and Investing Dashboard | Web, iOS, Android | Free; must connect some bank accounts | potentially @galliver @Cannibalsox |
Honeydue | Budgeting app for couples | iOS, Android | Only testing the free app (not the account) Must have 1 other person to test with |
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Pear Budget | Budgeting | Web | 30 day free trial, costs after that | @latitude |
Toshl | Budgeting | Web, iOS, Android | 30 day free trial, costs after that | Heather L |
Zeta Money Manager | Budgeting App for Couples | web, iOS, Android | Only testing the free app (not the account); Must have 1 other person to test with | @galliver @noodle |
PocketGuard | Budgeting | iOS, Android | Free version | @mirepoix |
Simplifi | Budgeting | web, iOS, Android | 30 day free trial, costs after that | @mirepoix |
YNAB | Budgeting | web, iOS, Android | 34 day free trial, , free for students, costs after that | @beep_boop @Clare-Dragonfly @Ferngully @LadyDuck @wintertell @kajellio |
App-thletes that Require You To Get a Bank Account 
A few of the apps require you to sign up for their bank account, and I don’t feel comfortable asking people to do that without paying them. So for the following apps, I’ll give each tester a $30 gift card to the place of their choice (or paypal you, whichever you prefer). All the links below are referral links, which will get you and me some extra $$
Account/Bank | Type of App | Type of account | Compatible OSes | Notes | Max # of Testers | Tester 1 | Tester 2 |
Chime | Automatic Savings Based on Different Criteria, Credit Builder Card | Checking and/or High-Yield Savings | iOS, Android | US Only; You also get $75 from chime if you make a direct deposit | 2 | @Greyweld | |
Digit | Automatic Savings Based on Checking Account Transactions | Savings | iOS, Android | Must connect to a US checking account; Costs $5/month after 30 day free trial, OMD will reimburse for 1 month | 2 | – | |
Acorns | Automatic Investing or Savings Based on Spending | Checking, Saving or Investing Account | iOS, Android | US only; Costs $3/month after 30 day free trial, OMD will reimburse for 1 month | 2 |