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Second sleeve almost done!

Now I just need to figure out a good project to bring to Dublin.


THAT YARN :heart_eyes::heart_eyes: can’t wait to see the finished piece!

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Almost back to where I was on the first panel of my fading point. I had to rip back both panels so I’m only at about half the progress I had but it looks much better now!


I’m working on a crochet wrap for my mom for Xmas :slight_smile: it’s am easy pattern and I’m using fancy, luxurious yarn so it’s a dream. Almost to the first color change. I’m relieved the skewing/bias direction thing is coming together. :slight_smile:


Tunisian crochet?

Nope! The basic kind. :slight_smile: Just a row of half double crochet, skipping a stitch, and then a row of trebble crochet filling it all in.

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Duh treble. You can see how frequently I actually use patterns for crochet (let alone ones with trebles).

ETA: Just realized the last time I did trebles in a pattern that wasn’t charted was… 2012. HOT DAMN.

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Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I’ve been living under a rock for a long time now, so happy to stop in here and see you’ve picked up crochet!!!


I’ve been on a market bag kick this summer but also made a bunch of coffee cozies for my coworkers (I love swag :joy:)

And a rubber ducky blanket

Quack quack!


HA!! The coffee cup cozies are adorable. XDD
Also yes! Crochet buddies! :smiley: I’m having a grand old time learning how it works. It is also so fast to do compared to knitting. :open_mouth:


Those are very cute, QueenAlice. I’m not usually big on coffee cozies but those are adorable and I love the colors.

I may end up doing some crochet soon too! I’m so close to done with this sweater… I have to learn how to do short rows first. o___o

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Oh the hidden rubber duck is so fun!


Wrap continues!


Annnnd I’m making the executive decision to alter the pattern. For whatever reason I don’t think the pattern yardage is right. Or I’m crocheting much differently than she did. \o_O/;;
Gonna change the # rows of each color so I don’t run out. Wish me luck! :open_mouth:


I started a sock for the trip to Dublin, and then I decided that it didn’t go with the contrast toe. So I have ripped back that bit, and restarted with the Zauberball I picked up yesterday.


As you can see, it is knitting up very quickly, so I am going to put it aside for a bit and finish off the DK weight hat. Otherwise I won’t have enough to work on when the convention starts.


I do this in nearly every project. I mainly use patterns for the texture then make up the yarn type and gauge as I see fit. I think this is fine as long as you aren’t making fitted clothes :woman_shrugging:t2:


Using the left over yarn from the cup cozies for a quite loud (for me) market bag


Starting a sweater for krmithound.


I love that color.

I finished my socks that I started in Dublin because I needed top-down socks to work on because I couldn’t do the magic cast on with the dpns I had with me. This uses up the Jill Draper yarn that I bought in San Fransisco and only looks good on the west coast. I’ll be wearing them in Toronto (unless someone here wants size 8-9 socks? I can mail them if you are interested), but it is fine because nobody looks at my socks anyways.