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I’m working on an afghan for a friend’s baby. Garter stitch on the bias. I love the edge - the increase/decrease pattern there is beautiful to me. I’m finally over halfway through!


I was standing on the side of the road waiting for a view of the sunset, so I pulled out my crochet.


I want to squish it :heart_eyes:

Love those colors!!

It’s sooooo squish. Garter stitch is so nice for blankets.

I too love those colors, Crow!


They are my favorite colors (except the yellow - I could do without that). But I’m second-guessing whether the intended recipient will like them. (It’s a potholder, btw.) Her kitchen is very neutral, but she has mugs in fun colors like these.

Here’s a better pic of the colors.


Just realized I never posted the amazing yarn I got for my fading point shawl. It’s sooo good and silky to work with. I loves it very much.

If I remember later I’ll take a progress shot of the shawl


Working on this hat in red:

It’s currently about 95F, but by the time I finish this hat it will probably be cool enough to wear it.

Not a WIP, but a FO! Baby blanket, garter stitch on the bias made with Berroco Comfort DK in Aegean Sea:


Ack! I need help. I’m working on a Fading Point shawl and I think something is wrong. I’m not getting the circles in the lace that I think I’m supposed to get. Mine are more a diagonal kinda thing? I’m following the pattern but I must be misinterpreting something.

Here’s mine

Here’s one from ravelry that appears to be correct. Idk how I’ve messed this up so much.


What does it look like when you stretch it out? That Ravelry project is clearly on a blocking board, and what with lace scrunching up so much, there’s a good possibility you’re just dealing with lace scrunchies and the pattern is in there (just hiding).

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They’re not circles when I pull it apart. They’re close but something seems off.


Oh balls :yarn:

I am doing the yo, sk2p parts wrong.

I have…a lot…of frogging to do.


Edit. Or I could leave it as is since both sides are symmetrical and then just do it correctly for the rest of the pattern. But I’m not going to do that. It won’t be as open if I leave it


Yeah, there’s definitely something weird there – you’re getting half circles, not full circles, and they’re not quite alternating right on the vertical dimension either. Can you share what the repeat for the pattern is supposed to be?

Just to check: Do you knit English or continental? (Or combined continental, if you’re a weirdo like me? :P)

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I knit English style.

So the pattern in the lace is repeats of k1, yo, sk2p, yo, k2 but the 3 knit stitches shift around to make the circles. I think I’m screwing up the pass part of the sk2p and grabbing the yo instead of the slipped stitch because that is where the break is in every circle.

I can’t believe I got 2 full colors in and didn’t notice this was messed up so much. Oh well. I am still having fun at least.

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Hey, if you have to rip it all out… that just means you get even more process to enjoy? ^^;;

If it makes you feel better, I had to try for like 3 days to get the gauge on this (simple) sweater I’m working on right. The key fuckup? Yeah, my gauge is WAY different working in the round versus working flat. Always swatch the method you’re gonna do the actual work in, etc etc.


I am on the second sleeve of this sweater. I have been working on these sleeves for approx 26 days.

That is


It’s a very long time to be working on sleeves.


… that sounds like sleeves, damn.

I anticipate similar with a sweater I’m planning as a Christmas gift. Fingering weight. I must be daft.


fingering weight. 1x1 twisted rib.

I’m less than 2 inches into the second sleeve.


Ohhhh yup. Hold on, you got this.