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Oh that’s a fun pair.


Making socks for D


Awwww Gandalf still makes me pause and check he’s not my Panda every time.

That knitting looks nice & soft!


Next socks, these for my dad

I don’t think this is what I expected when I pulled these three out together


Varigateds do weird things when paired up!

Here’s my new shawl, with two strands held together. Many different varigateds.


That’s beautiful!

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Baby’s first sock!

Turning the heel was not as hard as I thought, but picking up the heel to continue afterward was harder, hence the unattractive hole at the corner of the heel. Or maybe that was some other mistake, idk


My current sock:

I initially wished the gray yarn was darker, but this combo is growing on me.

And a request for advice:
I was given this sock yarn and I don’t know what to do with it.

I can’t get the photos to show the right colors. What appears blue really has more green in it. The colors are essentially dark teal, light teal, dark olive, light olive, and tan.

What color should I stripe it with? I’ve never successfully combined multiple variegated yarns like @plainjane does, I stripe with a solid as in my current WIP. But what color? This skein already combines colors I wouldn’t put together on my own. Or do I just use this skein on its own and not combine with another color? Is there a textural pattern that won’t get lost in all these color changes?


I might try a yellow, or a spring green.

if you were going to make a scarf by itself, I might try Ravelry: That Nice Stitch pattern by Susan Ashcroft


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Those are some fun looking patterns, thanks!

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maybe like a white/cream?

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It looks great!

I usually pick up an extra 1 or 2 stitches to prevent the hole, then decrease them on the next round.