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Ohhh it’s gorgeous though. That yellow just glows against the blue (it made me think of some classical Byzantine mozaic ceilings).


Very pretty! Is the pattern on Ravelry?

yep, it’s a freebie


I have two stitches extra, or 2 stitches too few on this half row

ffs - tink back 700 stitches of full lace

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I was following a YouTube tutorial a few weeks ago making a shawl. Somewhere around row 32 or 36 or something she said we should have 101 stitches on each side of the middle increases. I counted mine. I had 84 on one side and 88 on the other. I gave up on her instructions and just did another 10 or so rows of whatever I wanted. It was a kind of stitch sampler type of shawl with a different stitch almost every row. I repeated a few of the easier ones and called it done. This was in crochet which I’m not as experienced with and I had a difficult time keeping track of what was where. Obviously.

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I found the problem in the center spine 2.5 rows ago


[insert meme for Oh God I Feel Your Pain here]


I extended the lattice section with 2 extra repeats, now to edging. Hopefully I still have enough of the solid colour yarn


tinking back 2.5 rows at this point of a triangle shawl is painful


I didn’t finish my June socks until a bit over a week ago, but I might finish sock 1 of my July socks before month end! Just the toe left.

Solo time at the beach is great for knitting progress.




Ohhh those are so pretty!

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Oh the black and white pair is especially gorgeous!

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This could be a tiny complaint, but folks who knit/crochet will understand this. I made a crochet shawl from a video CAL (crochet along) I struggled. I posted somewhere that when she said that we should have 101 stitches each side I had 84 on one side and 88 on another, at which point I punted and just repeated the rows I liked until it was big enough. Funny enough, the name of the pattern is composed of madness, and is a stitch sampler type pattern, with each row different.

Today I soaked it (it is cotton) and ‘blocked’ it (I don’t block things, I just smush them more or less how I want them to look) and it is horrible. I first though I’d frog it back to where I lost the plot as it is obvious. But, I’m thinking I’ll just frog it. Or, since it is so busy I may just wear it as it is as I’m not a fancy girl. The yarn is Shawl In A Ball and I got it cheap. I could toss it in the trash and not feel too bad.

Just needed to vent.


Ugh that does sound really annoying!

hmm, maybe I should have thought more about the percentage of dark blue on the border vs rest of piece before I extended out the lattice section.

oh well, I’ll decide after blocking.

Argh, that sounds so frustrating.

That is blocking; pins and tension are not necessary.


While I can’t knit a sock in a day, it turns out I can knit half a sock* in a day.

*(of DK-weight yarn, not fingering!)


Finished July socks, working on August:

it’s time to leave the beach, so I expect progress to stall.


I have been on a sock knitting kick too. I’m currently knitting the other sock of this pair:

I regret adding the little cable. I’m really in the mood to just knit knit knit without looking at my project. As soon as I finish the pair I will knit a plain vanilla pair.