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Those look so great! I may steal this idea to use up some of my variegated scraps. Do you do it as helical/barber pole knitting?


yes, bottom up, and then helical stripes.

Do you have to make any adjustments to fit? I find helical to be a bit less stretchy than plain knitting.

cast on 24 using Judy’s magic cast on
increase alternating rows (m1l because I’m not going to bother with symmetrical increases on the toes) until I get to 64 stitches
k1, p2, k26, p2, k33
until I get to 4 inches from the desired length of foot. then I do two increase stitches on alternating rows until I have 57 stitches on the sole. then I use the heel turn from Ravelry: Scylla pattern by Fiona Bennett

I think the purl columns help with the stretch.


Thanks for the tips.

There are so many amazing knitting projects in this thread! Knitting frightens me as it feels so unforgiving of mistakes (I make a lot of those :smiling_face_with_tear:) but I absolutely love the way it looks.

I recently bought a bunch of hand-dyed cotton yarns with the hope of making a crochet meshy long-sleeved summer top (the pic also shows some tencel that was already in my stash). I’m thinking about Edsfart’s colosseum crop maybe. If anyone can recommend a size-inclusive crochet mesh top pattern I’d love to know about it :slightly_smiling_face:


This feels like the most appropriate place to post this (I hope).

I recently inherited a bunch of yarn, tools, and vintage knit and crochet patterns from approx 1950s - 1980s latest. I don’t knit and I find vintage crochet patterns terrifying so I’m wondering if anyone would like scans of the patterns. Some are booklets with a fuller selection of patterns inside. If anyone would like PDFs I’d be very happy to email them over. I’m assuming this is okay as they are all very old! (Painful to admit the 1980s is, now, old :smiling_face_with_tear:)


I would happily take scans of these!

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I would love scans of the knitting patterns! At least the adult ones, especially that lovely lacy cardigan.


With apologies for my lack of forum-tiquette, I should know better at my age… But there aren’t DMs on here I don’t think? I’m happy for anyone to drop me an email at shiningspires[at]pm[dot]me and I can email the PDF(s) over. I’ve scanned some but not all so it might take me a day or so :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi Jenny, Mod here to help!

If you click on someone’s picture a info box should pop up with an option to “message” (and a pic of an envelope).

Give it a go, let me know if it doesn’t work for you!


Thank you! I haven’t frequented a forum since approx 2004 so I’m a bit rusty :melting_face:


3 colour stripe with contrast heel toe cuff. Almost finished with the regia 50g haul from the gift card my team gave me when I left corporate job.


I guess they’ll be cousins and not siblings.

Not sure if i picked out the wrong two mini balls, or if the skein really varied this much within. I prefer the second sock, but not enough to frog the first to try again.


I finished the back and started on one of the fronts.


Made it past the long rows of the heel, and it’s going so fast now!


I confirmed I picked up the wrong mini, so I think I will frog the first sock to have a more matched pair. Time pressures - dinner with a sock worthy friend is set for May 10.


Ok, redid the first sock, and started the next pair.

Playing with broken seed stitch on the new pair - tried with the alternate colour dominant, but didn’t love it so tinked it back and redid with the teal staying dominant throughout.


They came out great! I admire your dedication to twins/not cousins socks.

How stretchy is that broken seed stitch? I need stretchy sock legs to get over my bulbous heel, so my prior attempt at barber pole stripes was not one of my best efforts (I found evidence in the sock drawer that I had already tried that, after making inquiries with you :slight_smile: )

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broken seed stitch is pretty stretchy,

row 1 (mc) k
row 2 (background) k1, p1
row 3 (mc) k
row 4 (background) p1, k1

So basically half of the top of the foot it is ribbing. And then I give it two purl columns on either side to give it even more.

Also, I use a heel with a reasonable gusset - grows to 57 stitches on the sole before I turn the heel.

eta: if you’re concerned about the leg, you could do another 2 purl columns?

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